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Center for Academic Success

Center for Academic Success at Union

Policy for Tutoring

  • CAS tutoring is designed for students enrolled in classes that are taken for academic credit in traditional undergraduate courses.
  • It is the tutored student's responsibility to show up on time and to be prepared for each tutoring session.
    • This includes: attending and actively participating in every class, recitation and lab, completing reading and homework assignments prior to each tutoring session, working with the course instructor, and completing all work as assigned by the tutor.
  • The tutored student should have questions prepared on areas that need greater understanding.
  • Tutored students must be officially enrolled in the course in which they are being tutored and must be taking it for graded credit.
  • Tutoring sessions may not be used as a substitute for attending classes, meeting with professors, personal study time, or to complete homework or take-home tests. Tutors will not re-teach the course, but will provide guidance and a hands-on learning experience.
  • Tutoring sessions are for 50 minutes and are limited to one hour per person, per course, per day.
  • Missed Sessions: if students miss three scheduled tutoring sessions, no matter what the reason, tutoring will be discontinued.
    • If there are extenuating circumstances regarding missed sessions and you wish to continue with tutoring, you will need to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Vernetta Anderson (vanderson@uu.edu).
  • Cancellations: Cancellations must be submitted to the tutor at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled tutoring session in order to be excused. All other cancellations will be considered a no-show and/or a missed session.
  • Tutored students should understand tutors are students who also have demands and time restraints. In the event the tutor is delayed, students should contact the CAS coordinator (vanderson@uu.edu) and wait 15 minutes from the assigned start time before leaving.
  • Peer Tutors must comply with the responsibilities and duties outlined in their contract with the CAS. If a problem should arise, you are encouraged to consult with the CAS Coordinator.