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Organizations seeking approval for permanent operation (defined as more than one semester in duration) must abide by the following procedures: Complete the Proposed Student Organization Application, stating the purpose and manner of operation for the group, and submit it to the Dean of Students. Applications approved by the Dean of Students must then be submitted to the Student Services Committee for approval. Organizations approved by the Student Services Committee are considered active immediately. Applications denied by the Student Services Committee are returned to the Dean of Students. He or she will inform the applicants of the committees decision. Denied applicants may appeal the Student Services Committees decision to the Dean of Students, and he or she may override the committees determination. Judgments relating to the approval of any organization operating at ̳ by the Dean of Students, the Student Government Association, the Faculty Student Services Committee and the Joint Faculty will be made in conformity with the guidelines in the following section. Guidelines for Organizations Seeking Approval for Operation at ̳ Any proposed organization must have a purpose which contributes to the mission of the University, that is to provide quality education to students in ways consistent with being excellence-driven, Christ-centered, people-focused and future-directed. The program(s) proposed for any organization seeking approval must aid in the development of the strength and quality of the total life of ̳, in both its internal and external relationships. No group may operate secretly, even if membership is limited. All organizations must be approved by the Dean of Students and update its officers list each semester with the Office of Student Leadership Development. Every organization must be able and willing to report the sources and amounts of its income if the Dean of Students requests. Sources must not contradict the mission and purpose of the University and the organization. Records for any expenditures totaling more than $100.00 must be retained for two years and be presented to the Dean of Students if he or she requests them. The membership of any approved organization must be composed exclusively of enrolled students in ̳ or their spouses. An organization that violates any of the previous guidelines risks dissolution, and its members may face disciplinary action. Guidelines for Review or Dissolution of Approved Campus Organizations In the Spring semester, the Dean of Students reviews activities of campus organizations and ensures they do not contradict the mission and purpose of the University or the organizations. If a change of status for an organization seems warranted as a result of this review, the Dean of Students contacts the president or faculty advisor to discuss the matter. If he or she deems it necessary, the Dean of Students recommends a status change to the Student Government Association. The Dean of Students recommends the proposal change for approval to the Faculty Student Services Committee, which will in turn seek Faculty approval. The definition of organization is understood as follows: Such organization is not directly or integrally related to academic programs, e.g. fieldwork programs. Organization presupposes that any such group making application has a structure which is formal to the degree that it includes: Officers who are regularly elected or appointed. Meetings which are held for the members of the organization at particular times and places. A reasonably well defined purpose and program of activities. Each campus organization must select and obtain the approval of a member of the Union faculty or administrative staff to serve as their official advisor. Responsibilities of organization advisors are as follows: Advise the officers of the organization in matters of policy and programming. Serve with the officers as liaison to the Student Services Office. Review special events of the organization. A special event is defined as any gathering of the group other than regular meetings of the organization or any meeting to which guests are invited. Review and advise the organization concerning the selection of guest speakers. A guest is any speaker who is not a member of the Union community. Review organization expenditures. Provide continuity for the organization from year to year. Advisors must accompany the organization if they travel to an event over 60 miles from Jackson, unless arrangements are made with the Dean of Students.  )*79:pq  ( ) 1 V f w 5 6 W ` 2 H [ e ~  . 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