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Student Discipleship & Engagement

Student Discipleship & Engagement at Union

Student Organization Policies

黑料论坛 hosts over sixty active student organizations for students. Organizations cover a wide range of interests and/or areas of study. Involvement in student organizations is one of the best ways to get involved at Union and meet others who share similar interests.

View a list of the active campus organizations.

For more information on an individual organization, please contact the President or Faculty/Staff Advisor listed on the campus organization list.

Below are the policies, guidelines and procedures for student organizations on 黑料论坛's campus. For more information on any of these policies, please contact the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.

  • Joe Ball, Executive Director, 731.661.5094, jball@uu.edu

Policies, Guidelines and Procedures

Campus Reservations

All student organization events must be placed on the official university Master Calendar by working with your organization's advisor to secure a room/meeting space and entering the event into the Event Manager reservation system. Any event that is planned on campus or off campus and is an official university-related event MUST be on the university Master Calendar.

For questions or more information about the university Master Calendar, contact Amy Eads at aeads@uu.edu or (731) 661-5090.

Campus Traditions

Union is a very busy place! Student organizations should be aware of current campus events and traditions when planning events. We also encourage student organizations to consider making an existing event better by their involvement, leadership and participation rather than creating new events. Review a brief list of current student life traditions. For the full campus calendar, review uu.edu/events and contact Amy Eads at aeads@uu.edu to be sure your event is on the UU Master Calendar.

Carl Grant Events Center

All student organizations must pay the Carl Grant Event Center's reservation rate to use the Grant Center. Please contact Jensen Vinson at jvinson@uu.edu or 731.661.5909 for availability and pricing details.

Chaperone Policy

University Representatives are to be present at all on-campus and off-campus social events. They are responsible for any crisis or emergency that may arise. They are also to see that all students abide by University regulations as stated in the Campus Life Handbook, and that the event ends on time and everything is left in good order. Because all student groups, whether on-campus or off-campus, represent 黑料论坛, they should model themselves in a manner consistent with the mission and purpose of 黑料论坛. University Representatives simply serve as persons of accountability to remind students of their obligation to the University. Failure to abide by the policies governing social events could result in cancellation of the event and even more serious social restrictions. The entire sponsoring organization will be held responsible for following the approval process.

The number of University Reps required will be determined by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement and will depend on the nature of the event. The person in charge of the social or trip is responsible for making arrangements for the proper number of University reps. This person should check with the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement. Organizations should secure their University Reps at least one week prior to the event.


Ennouncements may be submitted to Amy Eads in the Office of the Dean of Students. Send edited and ready to publish announcements to aeads@uu.edu before Friday at noon for the following Monday's publication. Ennouncements are sent to all students, faculty, staff, and parents who have signed up to receive the weekly announcements. This is the official way to email all students, faculty, and staff with information about your organization/event. In addition to ennouncements, organizations may also find it helpful to create a Facebook event to advertise to students.

Event Planning

Before planning an event (party, conference, etc.), campus organizations must obtain approval for the event through the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement (jball@uu.edu). (Some events may require further approval from the Dean of Students).

An official university event may be defined as any event in which any or all of the following criteria is met:

  • The event is paid for with student organization funds
  • The event uses the 黑料论坛 name in any marketing or promotion
  • The event uses any facility or space on any of 黑料论坛's campuses (Jackson, Germantown, Hendersonville, or The Olford Center)
  • The event is sponsored by a student organization on or off-campus (including fundraising).

Under some circumstances, other organization events that do not meet this criteria may be considered a University-related event.

Approval for an event must be submitted to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement no later than one full week prior to the proposed event and prior to any advertising for the event on campus or via social media (e.g. Facebook event). Students wishing to request approval must complete the following form.

Union's Student Organization Event Approval Form

General Policies regarding Events:

  • All campus events must comply with 黑料论坛's mission and community values as outlined in the 黑料论坛 Campus Life Handbook.
  • No speaker or performer can be obtained for a campus event without prior approval from the Dean of Students. Student organizations wishing to invite a speaker or a performer to campus must first submit a proposal to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.
  • No politician/government official should be contacted by a 黑料论坛 student for any reason on behalf of the university without prior approval. (Please also see: Political Activities Sponsored by Students, Faculty or Staff).
  • No student organization can sponsor a Jackson-wide regional or national event or conference without prior approval from the Dean of Students (bcarrier@uu.edu). Student organizations wishing to invite a speaker or a performer to campus must first submit a proposal to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.
  • After event approval, all student organization events must be placed on the official university calendar by contacting Mrs. Amy Eads at aeads@uu.edu.
  • All off-campus events must be restricted to a 100-mile distance which will permit resident students to return to their complexes by residence life curfew. (e.g. Nashville is not considered within the approved radius). In the case of an emergency occurring at your organizational event, please contact Safety & Security, the Dean of Students, and the Director/Associate Director of Student Discipleship & Engagement. Chaperones and other organizational leaders should have these numbers entered into their cell phone.
  • Any date, time, or location change (including cancellations) of an approved scheduled event must be submitted to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement immediately after the change is made.
  • Any injury or accident that occurs at an official 黑料论坛 event (including all student events, meetings, etc.) must be reported to the Office of Student Life. In the case of life-threatening emergencies, please contact Safety & Security at 731.394.2922.
  • All marketing/letters going to alumni or external groups must be approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.
  • Hazing, in any form, is prohibited by 黑料论坛 & Tennessee Law. This regulation also governs off-campus initiation activities. For more information on Union's hazing policy, please see The Campus Life Handbook
  • If you are a student or group interested in performing on campus, please see our music policy (.pdf).
  • All flyers, posters, and announcements for the event must be approved by Amy Eads (aeads@uu.edu) in the Dean of Students office. (Please see Event Marketing/Flyers/Announcements/Digital Signage)

Financial Policies/Contracts

No student (including student leaders) should ever represent themselves as an agent of the University on any contractual agreement, purchase, or obligation. Contractual agreements, purchases, and obligations made on behalf of the University should only be executed by the Director or Associate Director of Student Discipleship & Engagement or the Dean of Students.

Catering Policy

Food purchased by 黑料论坛 organizations/offices for an on-campus event must be purchased through 黑料论坛 Dining Services/Creative Dining unless prior approval is granted through the Director of Creative Dining. Students or organizations wishing to begin the process of requesting approval must do so by first contacting the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.

Event Travel Documentation/Ounce of Prevention

The University expects common sense safety when traveling on an official student organization/university trip off campus. All students are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

  • All students, faculty, and staff must sign a release form prior to leaving campus.
  • Health Insurance is recommended and may be required by the University. Please contact Health Services (731-661-5284) for more information.
  • If an accident should occur, the law and the courts decide who will be financially responsible. Again, the best protection is prevention. Try to avoid accidents and injuries:
    • Remember to speak up if a situation seems unsafe. Be the voice of wisdom. Speak up to your organization president, advisor, or contact the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.
    • You can't sign your rights away, but you should be aware of the natural risks associated with the activity in which you are participating.
    • Use common sense, including following the speed limit, wearing seat belts and not texting while driving.
    • Remember, an ounce of prevention can help minimize the risks for the entire group.

Event Marketing/Flyers/Digital Signage

  • Flyers to be placed on University bulletin boards must be stamped by the Office of Student Life (aeads@uu.edu).
  • All marketing for an event via social media (e.g. Facebook event) must also be approved through the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement (jball@uu.edu).
  • In an effort to keep the campus clean, streamline information, and save trees, please adhere to the following poster guidelines.
    • Post only on bulletin boards and cork strips that are not specifically reserved for a group or department
    • Please do NOT hang flyers:
      • On the face of any glass door (violation of fire code)
      • On the doors or windows of the library (please note that no posting of any kind is allowed in the library.)
      • On painted walls or doors (including the post office)
      • On the doors of the cafeteria
      • On the windows of Barefoots Joe
      • On the windows of the Art Galleries
    • Posters should be removed 2 days after the event.
    • Please limit copies to 20.
  • Off-campus distribution of advertising posters by students representing campus organizations must be approved in the Office of Student Life.
  • Student organizations wishing to post announcements on the campus digital signs should contact Amy Eads in the Office of Student Life at aeads@uu.edu for design specifications and information.

Forming a New Student Organization

Students wishing to form a new organization should:

Completed applications and constitutions should be submitted electronically to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement via e-mail to Joe Ball (jball@uu.edu).

Applications submitted after April 15 will not be reviewed until the following fall semester.

Once your new student organization is approved, a representative from your committee will be notified by the SGA President through a formal letter.

Two representatives from your organization will be required to attend all Senate meetings each semester.

If a new student organization is approved by the Student Services Committee and Dean of Students and is deemed to be high risk, members and participants of the organization may be required to sign a travel/event form each semester prior to participation. These forms will be kept on file in the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.

Funding for Student Organizations

To receive SGA funds, student organizations must submit appropriation bills that explain how funds are to be used. These bills must be approved by the Student Senate. Organizations must have active Senators before they may request funds.

The largest amount an organization may receive during the Academic year is $200.00. Groups do not receive a check for the amount approved; instead they are reimbursed up to the amount of their allocation. View examples of such legislation. Student organizations will be reimbursed up to the amount approved by the Senate. Submit receipts to the SGA treasurer, or Joe Ball, SGA Advisor. Please allow three days to receive your reimbursement.

Fundraising and Donation Drive Guidelines

All solicitations should be approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement and the Office of University Relations before any solicitation takes place. Only official student organizations, academic departments or groups registered for an upcoming 黑料论坛 GO Trip will be approved to raise money. (For additional information on fundraising for an official 黑料论坛 GO Trip, please see the Global Outreach Program Support Raising Policy.) The University does not approve individual fundraisers. The Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement and the Office of University Relations reserve the right to approve both who can be solicited as well as the type of solicitation.

The Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement and the Office of University Relations desires that every donor and potential donor be treated with the utmost of care and professionalism. Positive relationship management, based on Union's four core values, is the necessary foundation for fruitful gift solicitations.

Solicitation/Relationship Management

Because fundraising is an important (and sometimes essential) responsibility for some student organizations, it is important that organizations participating in fundraising be energetic, creative, and enthusiastic in their endeavors. Below are a few tips in carrying out successful fundraising campaigns.

  • Remember that local businesses are asked almost weekly to either buy an ad, host a fundraiser, or contribute free goods. Because we want to be sensitive to how many times a Union organization approaches a local business, it is Union policy that you clear all solicitations for any goods or services of any kind with the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement
  • Most businesses do not mind you asking if you are courteous, professional, and friendly. Please be sure to call ahead, look people in the eye, shake hands, and prepare beforehand what you would like to communicate.
  • Avoid approaching the business to discuss potential fundraisers during their busiest times (mealtimes/rush times). This is extremely important and further reiterates the suggestion of calling ahead.
  • Follow up with the manager with an e-mail. This makes it easier for the manager to keep a record of what they give to and support. E-mail them after you speak with them to clarify your time/date/location, and then follow up with both e-mail and handwritten note to thank them for their support.

Financial Integrity

  • All organizations raising money must have an official 黑料论坛 account in which funds raised should be deposited. If your organization does not have a university account, please contact Joe Ball at jball@uu.edu to have one set up. This is to ensure financial integrity in the fundraising process and that all donated funds go to the appropriate philanthropy.
  • Any 黑料论坛 campus organization that uses off-campus banking must be set-up to require two signatures on the account: the organization's treasurer and advisor. An organization may choose to maintain an on-campus and off-campus account but must fill out the paperwork with Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement. To maintain compliance with state fundraising and occasional sales tax laws, all monies generated through fundraising efforts must be deposited and maintained in an on-campus account. Organizations may deposit non-fundraised monies (e.g., dues) in an off-campus bank account, if desired.
  • Each 黑料论坛 organization is responsible for its financial obligations and is expected to fulfill all financial commitments. The University is in no way responsible for the financial obligations of the organizations.

Fundraising Suggestions

  • To consider the best interest of potential donors, the following policies will be practiced:
    1. Limits will be placed on the number of times certain businesses can be approached during a semester. While this threshold will be determined with the help of the business, the general threshold will be six solicitations per semester.
    2. Please allow plenty of time for planning a fundraiser and give businesses at least a 30-day notification of your fundraiser.
    3. After your organization's fundraiser is complete, please follow up with thank you notes to the business within 48 hours, keeping in mind the stated wishes of the donor regarding anonymity and other levels of public disclosure.
    4. Thank you letters should be approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement prior to mailing. (Handwritten thank you notes are preferred.)
  • Copies of all correspondence should be submitted to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.
  • Organizations who participate in fundraising must keep thorough records of all transactions, as well as retain all receipts for purchases and expenditures. Copies can be kept in the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement, if needed to assist in organizational memory as leadership transitions.
  • Every effort will be made to ensure that all monies designated for restricted purposes are expended under the guidelines and within the timeframe requested by the donors, if applicable.
  • All donor records are confidential!
  • Consider partnering with other student organizations to "piggy-back" events. (For example, offer to sell refreshments at the events of other organizations.)
  • Consider making successful fundraisers a yearly event and keeping a list of regular supporters.
  • When any donation amount will be helpful, refrain from asking for a fixed-price contribution. You will often receive donations of a higher amount.
  • Do not assume that all pledges made to your organization will be fulfilled. You may have to send several reminders.

The following fundraising ideas are just suggestions for possible opportunities for your organization. Your organization is also encouraged to develop other ideas for fundraising.

  • Restaurant Night
    Your organization can partner with a local restaurant to receive a portion of the proceeds from the sales during the allotted time of the promotion. (Ex. Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, Maggie Moo's night) Remember to get pre-approval from the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement before contacting the restaurant.
  • Community Car Wash
    Gather members of your organization to clean cars and gain dollars. Contact local businesses for washing location (location can determine degree of success).
  • Bake Sales
    Have members of your organization bake goodies to be sold in the SUB on any given day or in cooperation with a special event.
  • Candy Grams
    Students provide special holiday greetings for their classmates by purchasing a special "gram" complete with a small message and candy, which your organization can deliver to dorm rooms.
  • T-shirt Sales
    Design t-shirts to sell to the student body. The Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement can provide names of t-shirt printers for your use (Note: all designs must be pre-approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement).
  • Silent Auction
    Members of your organization will donate or purchase special items to be auctioned off. Students will silently bid on an item; at the end of the day/week, the person with the highest bid wins the item.
  • Free-throw Shooting Contest
    Partner with an upcoming basketball game and allow students to pay a fee to sign up for a free-throw shooting contest. Contact local businesses to donate prizes for winners. Students with the most completed shots win. Remember to get pre-approval from the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement before contacting the athletic department.


These policies and procedures have been created to help assist you in making your fundraiser a success. Failure to comply with these could result in:

  • Meeting with the Office of University Relations
  • Delaying your fundraiser until the next semester
  • Deactivation of your organization

Donation Drives

All donation drives should be approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement prior to hosting a drive. Only official student organizations, academic departments, or groups registered for an upcoming 黑料论坛 GO Trip will be approved to host a drive. Please contact the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement (jball@uu.edu) with information pertaining to your specific drive. Please include how many boxes you would like to place on campus and the locations. Please include what the drive is for (i.e., who it will benefit) and the duration of the drive. Typically, a two-week period is approved per drive, but the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement can make exceptions if notified. Please be sure to remove all marketing and boxes upon the completion of the drive.


Hazing in any form is prohibited by 黑料论坛 and Tennessee Law. This regulation also governs off-campus initiation activities. Hazing is to be interpreted as any activity that endangers the physical safety of a person, produces mental or physical discomfort, causes embarrassment, fright, humiliation or ridicule, or degrades the individual — whether it is intentional or unintentional. It is defined as doing any act or coercing another to do any act of initiation of a student into an organization that causes or creates a substantial risk bringing mental, emotional, or physical harm to a person. Hazing is also any act that injures, degrades, harasses, or disgraces any person. It is understood as any forced or required intentional or negligent action, situation, or activity that recklessly places any person at risk of physical injury, mental distress or personal indignity. All initiation activities are subject to the approval of the Dean of Students. Violators will also be subject to state fines and/or imprisonment. For more information concerning hazing and alternatives to hazing please see the Hazing Brochure.

Student Organization Leadership Requirements

Because of academic responsibilities and the duties associated with campus leadership roles, no student with less than a 2.5 grade point average may serve as a Student Government Association officer or as an officer for a campus organization. In addition, he or she must be in good standing with the University both academically and judicially.

Mailroom Posting Policy

  1. Approved student organizations and Union departments may stuff Union PO boxes from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on Monday through Friday. Union has 1750 student boxes and 400 faculty/staff boxes.
  2. Materials being stuffed into boxes must be approved by the Dean of Students and be related to 黑料论坛 or the student organization. (Stated differently, the organization or department cannot sign up to stuff materials related to an outside vendor or business.)
  3. Approved student organizations and Union Departments must sign up in the post office for a specific time to stuff mailboxes, listing their information and what will be distributed. This helps prevent congestion in the post office.
  4. Off-campus organizations/businesses requesting a post office stuffing must receive approval from the Dean of Students. Approvals will be based on the organization's support of Union's core values, whether the flyer contains a special discount offered to the Union community, and the number of recent solicitations.
  5. The Dean of Students may request alternate methods of communication rather than posting (e.g. flyers placed on select bulletin boards.) Furthermore, if businesses are approved for stuffing, they are required to pay a $30 fee for the Post Office staff to stuff their approved material.

Media Reservations

Only organizations classified as "active" by the Student Government Association will be eligible to access Media Services. If your organization would like to check out AV equipment from ITCM, please complete a check-out form in their office (located in the D-Hallway of the Penick Academic Complex). ITCM requires a $50 deposit in the form of a check to borrow equipment (the check can either be an organization or personal check). The full deposit is returned to the borrower if the equipment is returned on time.

Movie Policy (Federal Guidelines for Showing Films)

Any individual or institution wishing to show a movie, whether it is for church, entertainment, or other public events, must obtain the proper permission from the company where the film was made. If you have attended Union events that have shown films for a large audience, a license or special permission has been obtained through companies which work directly with the film agencies in order to manage the distributing of licenses. Any large screen movie, regardless of admission policies (i.e. even if the movie is free to viewers), must be shown with the license rights or specific permission. These licenses can be expensive (usually around $500-$900 per film) and are limited to a certain time and date. Stated differently, your $2 to rent the DVD at Redbox doesn't cover us here if shown to large groups in a non-residential setting.

  • $800 Yikes! Why so pricey?
    It is important for the viewer to realize that these fees help support the individuals who were involved with the production of the movie. Although you may think that the loss of one license will not affect a person's paycheck, it will for the individuals who make average wages. These fees help support these individuals so they may continue to make films. In addition to supporting the arts, it's the law!
  • But I saw a movie in my class! Did my professor have to pay?
    There is an educational exemption underneath the copyright law. This enables films to be shown in class by the professor only if certain guidelines are followed. The films must be shown with the context that they pertain towards the curriculum being instructed by the professor. The professor must be present when the movies are shown and the students present must be properly registered for the class.
  • Can we watch all the seasons of "Game of Thrones" or rent "Avengers" in that amazing TV room in the Bowld?
    Because of Union's select visitation hours, there are special guidelines that must be followed for the showing of films in the commons. Unadvertised movies shown on these TVs between a small group of friends will be considered residential use. Stated differently, these areas are considered "public living rooms" and residential space. You do not need to pay licensing fees for this type of use.
  • How do I go about obtaining a movie and license for my event?
    Advertised movies sponsored by a department or organization must purchase the rights to show the film. Please contact Joe Ball (jball@uu.edu) for details on purchasing movie rights for a particular film.

For more information, visit or .

Organization Twitter & Facebook Accounts

Union faculty, staff, or student leaders who have administrative control of Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts related to a 黑料论坛 Department, Program, or Organization (e.g. Barefoots Joe, SGA, SAC, Cardinal & Cream, etc.) must share administrative control or passwords with another faculty or staff within that department. Postings related to a 黑料论坛 Department, Program, or Organization must always reflect 黑料论坛's mission and core values.


Material can be copied and printed for a nominal cost in University Services located in the Student Union Building. Please give one week's notice to have an item printed or copied. If your organization has an official account with the university, you may charge your copies. If not, please be prepared to pay cash. Submit materials via e-mail to printing@uu.edu.

All university recognized organizations will be allowed 200 free prints per semester for the organization. If your organization would like to print material from a printer located on campus, we encourage the campus organization to identify someone who will do the most printing (posters, flyers, etc.) This representative may pick up the free printing cards for the organization in the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement (located in the back of the Spiritual Life Suite). Your organization may also purchase extra copy cards with organizational funds beyond your free prints. If paying by cash, organizations may purchase extra copy cards at the Union Station or the Library. If your organization has a university account and wishes to have extra copy cards charged to the account, these cards must be purchased through the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement. For more information on the printing policy at Union, please visit .

Political Activity and Social Activism Activities Sponsored by Faculty, Staff or Student Organizations

(Events initiated by a politician or an external political organization taking place at the Grant Center or other rented locations have separate guidelines. Please see Amy Eads aeads@uu.edu for guidelines when inquiring about hosting an event on campus.)

Political Activity

黑料论坛 supports the healthy discussion of issues regarding the political climate across the country. In addition, 黑料论坛 encourages students to be involved in the political process and to engage in political discourse and public square issues. Although the University supports this process, Union is a private institution and therefore is not required by law to allow political candidates on campus. However, the administration chooses to offer this privilege only if certain policies are followed.

Freedom of Expression

While 黑料论坛 respects the freedoms and rights of every individual, there remains an expectation for all who interact on campus that their behavior be guided by the mission of the University and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Social activism for causes and/or organizations that do not align with the mission of 黑料论坛 will not be permitted on 黑料论坛's campus. In order to maintain safety, security and order, and to ensure the orderly operation of the campus, 黑料论坛 reserves the right to limit such activities by following regulations regarding time, place, and manner of such activities:

  • 黑料论坛 will remain neutral as to the content of any public demonstration, debate, speech, or other forms of expression.
  • Expressive activities, occurring in the outdoor areas of campus shall occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
  • There must be no obstruction of entrances or exits to buildings or classrooms or offices in order to maintain regular operations.
  • While amplified sound may be used, it may not interfere with standard university operations.
  • There must be no interference with educational activities inside or outside of buildings.
  • There must be no impediment to normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic or other disruptions of university activities, including sidewalks, roads, and parking areas all of which must remain unobstructed.
  • There must be no interference with scheduled University ceremonies, events or activities.
  • Additional tables, chairs, and/or other special accommodations for use in locations will not be provided by the University.
  • There must be no true threats or expression directed to provoke imminent lawless actions and likely to produce it
  • 黑料论坛 campus is private property.
  • Campaign signs cannot be placed on University property; signs placed in violation of this policy will be removed.
    • Signs are allowed to be placed in a student's apartment and/or common space in their Residence Hall, as long as they are not visible from the outside.

Students, faculty, and staff wishing to host an expressive activity that relates to political or social activism should contact the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement at least one week prior to the event for proper approval.

Social Media

  • The Office of University Communications provides social media guidelines that all 黑料论坛 employees and students should follow.
  • 黑料论坛 will not monitor personal websites or social media pages, but all posted content is subject to review in accordance with employee policies as outlined in handbooks for faculty or staff.
  • Speech transmitted through social media is subject to the same general First Amendment protections as any other kind of speech.
  • General rules for social media posts:
    • Be kind and courteous.
    • No hate speech or bullying.
    • Reflect the image of Christ.
  • Posts made by faculty, staff, and students of 黑料论坛 are the views and opinions of each individual and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University.

Placards, Banners, and Signs

Placards, banners, and signs are generally allowed at expressive activities. However, if the use of these materials is deemed dangerous or impedes the participation of others, University officials will require the individuals handling the placards, banners, or signs to move to a different location or remove their materials.


  • 黑料论坛 faculty, staff, or active student organizations must receive permission by the Office of Student Life. If approved, the Student Life office will discuss any facility fees, if applicable. Protest Registration Form
  • These events must be scheduled through the Student Life Office and must take into account already planned events on Union's campus. The Approval and Hosting team will work in conjunction with the Office of Safety and Security details as needed. The Vice President for Student Life and/or the Approval and Hosting team reserves the right to work with the faculty, staff and/or student organization in the event planning process.
  • The Approval and Hosting team will automatically include the President, the Vice President for Student Life, the Associate Vice President for University Communications, the Director of Safety & Security, and the Student Organization's campus advisor. Other members will be appropriately designated.
  • Audience
    • This event must be open to the entire campus community and the public at large. Politicians or Political organizations eligible for approved politicians must be in office or an official candidate for the office they are seeking in order to be invited to the University. Political organizations must be an official non-profit 501(c) 3 organizations.
  • Fees
    • No transfer of funds may take place between the hosting organization/黑料论坛 and the politician or political organization. This includes compensation for time, travel, personal security, or any other associated cost.
    • No admission fee will be charged nor may political contributions be asked for or given on campus by the candidate or hosting organization.
    • As a guest of 黑料论坛, the rental of the University facilities may be waived (excluding the Grant Center). Politicians or political organizations wishing to use University space for a function must pay standard rental fees and abide by separate guidelines for politicians using our 黑料论坛 space.
  • Publicity
    • The hosting organization or department may publicize the given event on campus through UU ennouncements, UU electronic signs, social media, and flyers. Access to these resources and guidelines for usage may be obtained through the Student Life Office. The 黑料论坛 crest or other branding logos are not permitted to be used on any campaign flyers. (Student mailing lists are not distributed by the University nor do we allow Post Office stuffing from political organizations).
    • All on-campus advertisements must be non-partisan and approved through the Student Life Office.
  • Media
    • All external press on campus must be pre-approved through the Associate Vice President, Tim Ellsworth, in the Office of University Communications.
    • A member of the campus community or a neutral party must moderate the event. If multiple candidates are at the event, all candidates will be given equal time for an opening statement, and candidates must field questions from the audience. The organization advisor must be present if a student organization is hosting the event.
  • Safety & Security
    • The University reserves the right to limit the number of attendees to adhere to code.
    • The sponsoring UU student organization must pay for any additional University Security as needed.
    • For security purposes, the candidate or candidates must obey all campus policies and are required to be in contact with the office of Safety and Security.
  • Politician or Political Organization behavioral guidelines while a Guest of 黑料论坛
    • 黑料论坛 will not tolerate inappropriate behavior by either the Candidate or members of the audience.
    • Politicians and/or political organizations are given limited access to the campus as designated by the Approval and Hosting team. Candidates are never allowed in the residential areas of the campus.
    • Political literature may be distributed at the event location, but it is not allowed to be placed elsewhere on campus. (This includes flyers and in ground signs and the posting of campaign signs anywhere on the 黑料论坛 campus.)
    • Candidates are asked to act sensitively and respectfully toward the University Core Values when formulating their answers.
  • Politicians or Political Organizations as classroom guests
    • These policies do not apply to classroom instruction in which a professor might have a candidate come and speak to his/her individual class. Each instructor will be responsible for what occurs in the classroom.

Literature Distribution

All literature handed out at a political and/or social expressive activity should be approved through the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagements prior to the event.


Chalking is a written form of expression that is used to raise awareness about causes or events. At Union, student organizations may use the sidewalk outside of the Student Union Building (SUB) to promote their events and/or causes. Organizations are responsible for the cleaning up of the chalk, which must take place within 24 hours of the completion of the event. Washable, non-permanent chalk may be used.

Inquiries concerning this policy should be directed to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.

Updated: October 2020

Student Organization Presidents & Advisors

As organization presidents and advisors, individuals have an added layer of responsibility within the organization. Each president and advisor will be required to read and sign the organization policies and procedures annually or with any change in leadership.

Student Organization Rosters

Each organization must submit an accurate and up-to-date organization roster to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement at the beginning of each semester. If a student quits or drops an organization anytime during the semester, the organization president or secretary should notify the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement within one week.

Travel/Event Forms

An official 黑料论坛 release form must be signed by 黑料论坛 students, faculty and staff each time they are involved in any of the following:

  • A trip over 100 miles with an organization
  • An activity considered high risk (e.g. slip n slide events)
  • Campus & Community service projects
  • Athletic events (e.g. Greek Olympics)
  • Other events as determined by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement

Travel/Event forms may be picked up in the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement or downloaded here. In order to save paper, all members of the organization may sign the back of the release form, print their name, id number and date. Release forms must be return to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement within 2 business days of the event. Participants are requested to carry travel/event form information on the trip including emergency contact information.

If a new student organization is approved by the Student Services Committee and Dean of Students and deemed to be more high risk, members and participants of the organization may be required to sign a waiver & release form each semester prior to participation. These forms will be kept on file in the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement.

T-shirt Policy

Student organizations must have all t-shirts designed for their members approved by the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement, including t-shirts that do not reference 黑料论坛. In addition, we recommend that organizations purchase from vendors who can assure free trade or "Made in the USA" shirts. Often the cost is the same, or if slightly higher, the organization can be assured of the integrity of the product. Please see the office of Student Discipleship & Engagement for vendor recommendations.

Van Reservation Policy

黑料论坛 offers a limited number of vans for University use. Students who drive University vans must first pass a driver's test administered through the Office of Safety & Security.

For more information about the requirements to reserve a van, please see Van Policy and Student Driving Information.

University Logo Usage Guidelines

When designing T-shirts or other promotional materials that utilize the University crest or logo, please follow these guidelines. All designs must be submitted to the Office of Student Discipleship & Engagement (jball@uu.edu) for approval prior to production.