Severe Weather & Shelter Locations
This section is intended to provide guidance in the event of a tornado watch and/or warning. Please review and be familiar with the shelter locations in the event of severe weather.
The State of Tennessee is prone to a high number of tornadoes. Due to this fact, it is necessary to have an organized method by which to provide ample warning of the possibility of a tornado and to respond in the event a tornado has been spotted or the campus is struck.
- Tornado Watch. A watch indicates that weather conditions are such that a tornado could form. Normal activities may be continued, but alertness for possible threatening conditions should be maintained.
- Tornado Warning. A warning indicates that a tornado has been sighted or a tornado signature has been recorded on Doppler radar. All persons should seek appropriate shelter immediately. Tornado warnings are typically 45 minutes in length.
Procedures to follow in the event of a tornado warning begin with the communications and warning system used by the city of Jackson and Madison County. Sirens located in various parts of the city and county are used to alert citizens of a tornado warning. These sirens can be heard in and around most campus locations.
Notification & Warning
- When a tornado or severe weather watch is issued Campus Safety and Security personnel will monitor the weather conditions and notifications will be made if needed.
- The Office of Safety and Security will be assigned to communicate a warning to all buildings on campus
- Notification of a tornado warning for 黑料论坛 may be received by local municipal sirens, weather announcements on radio and television, or staff monitoring weather radio transmissions. NOAA Weather radios have been installed in the Office of Safety and Security.
When notification has been received through the National Weather Service of a tornado warning in the immediate area, a notification will be sent via the emergency text message system:
In the event that conditions become conducive for a tornado:
- Union Safety and Security will monitor and track the storm.
- When a warning sounds, all persons should move to an inner area on the first floor (where there are no windows, hallways, etc. - see chart below) or a safe room built to withstand high winds.
- When the warning is over, Union Safety and Security will notify persons in each building by phone, text message, or in person.
In the event of a threat of severe weather:
- Union Safety and Security will monitor the progress of the severe weather.
- Check all first aid kits to ensure they are supplied.
- Review evacuation procedures.
In the event of severe weather:
- Shut down all computers and electrical equipment that might be damaged.
- The decision to evacuate a building will be announced by Union Safety and Security and/or the emergency text message system.
- Evacuate the building if the safety of the faculty, staff, students, and visitors are threatened.
- Meet at a predetermined location away from the building.
- Check all areas to ensure that everyone is evacuated.
Shelter Locations
Barefoot Student Union Building | Interior restrooms and interior windowless rooms |
Blasingame Academic Complex | Center classrooms and restrooms |
Fesmire Fieldhouse/Luther Hall | Restroom areas |
Grant Event Center | Interior restrooms and hallways |
Hammons Hall | 1st floor stairwells and interior restrooms |
Jennings Hall | 1st floor hallways, cinder-block doorways, and restrooms |
The Logos Library | 1st floor restrooms and the I.T. Help Desk room |
Penick Academic Complex | Interior hallways and restrooms, and interior windowless rooms |
Providence Hall | 1st floor restrooms and interior hallway adjacent to classrooms 160-162 |
White Hall | 1st floor hallways and restrooms, and interior windowless rooms |
Residential Buildings | 1st floor restrooms |
Germantown/ |
Interior room or hallway |
Residential Students | Move to a downstairs bathroom in a residential apartment, Game Room in Bowld, or McAfee Commons bathrooms |