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Branding Style Guide

University Communications at Union

Social Media Guidelines

Social media have become a powerful tool for releasing information and engaging students, alumni, donors and other friends of the University. Taking full advantage of these opportunities can present challenges, since functions and usage patterns change rapidly.

The Office of University Communications has not proposed an all-encompassing policy for social media usage across campus, but these guidelines are intended to assist colleges, schools, departments and other campus entities as they move forward with a social media presence. Putting these guidelines into practice will help Union maintain its branding and present a consistent message.

  1. Use the 黑料论坛 name whenever possible
    Although the UU initials are fairly distinctive, it is best to name 黑料论坛 whenever practical in your account name. If for some reason this is not practical, please use Union's name in the first part of your description for the account. Don't assume everyone in cyberspace recognizes UU as 黑料论坛 or knows even the most basic information about the University.
  2. Make use of Union branding whenever practical
    We offer three different profile images for use on any Union social media accounts. You can choose from Union red, charcoal or black. Information in the Branding Style Guide applies to social media in the same way it applies to printed materials. Please do not modify or redesign any Union brand mark for use on social media.
  3. Decide either to disable comments or check frequently for SPAM posts
    Disabling comments on a social media account will result in a one-way conversation, which sometimes negates much of the medium's effectiveness. But spammers frequently use comment sections to display information that has no relevance to the discussion or the university. If comments are enabled in your account, be certain someone with editing privileges monitors the comments and deletes anything that is irrelevant, inappropriate or of a commercial nature.
  4. Commit to frequent updates
    Social media accounts that sit idle for days or weeks sometimes do more harm than good. It is frustrating for a user to visit an account that is continually dormant. Commit to several updates each week, being careful not to post so frequently that readers become frustrated.
  5. Bad news
    It's important to provide timely updates in times of crisis, but social media accounts at 黑料论坛 are not to be used as the primary media for disseminating university statements or other vital information. They can be used as a way of linking to an official statement.

    In times of crisis, some social media readers are likely to press for immediate answers.

    If someone raises a legitimate question in a crisis situation, alert the Office of University Communications to the inquiry. Do not speculate about possible answers or promise an immediate comment from the University.

Social Media Best Practices

  • Have fun: If you come across as too official, readers will see your work as a public relations duty rather than a friendly attempt to connect. Maintain a sense of professionalism, but try to keep your writing light-hearted and engaging.
  • Highlight humorous or unique happenings: People engage social media as a way of relaxing. Appropriate humor is always welcome. Readers tend to remember creative and useful messages.
  • Provide quick answers to user comments or questions: Not every comment needs to be answered. But sometimes legitimate inquiries or simple misunderstandings are expressed that provide us an opportunity for clarification. Try to issue prompt and professional responses in these situations.
  • When appropriate, welcome trusted students to help with social networking: If the target audience for your social media is students or prospective students, there is a great advantage in asking students to help with messaging. Authentic messages are crucial to success in social networking.
  • Avoid cryptic messages that could be misinterpreted: A message such as "we're closed" without further explanation could lead someone to believe the entire campus is closed when perhaps the message applies to a single building on a very temporary basis. This is especially troublesome on accounts that aren't updated on a regular basis. Please be sure each post is clear and necessary.
  • Write engaging prose: Post messages that not only inform, but also engage the reader. For example, if you're writing about an event on campus, encourage readers to post their best memories from that event in previous years. Ask readers to take action. Keep them involved.
  • Know your audience: Are you speaking to young alumni? Prospective students? Parents? It is important to target your audience with useful and industry-specific information. If a subscriber constantly reads irrelevant messages, they are likely to unsubscribe.
  • When possible, make use of multiple media: You can use Facebook or Twitter to link to a video on YouTube. Making use of multiple media shows the audience that Union is comfortable with this new technology. That can be a big plus for some audiences — especially prospective students.
  • Do not use social media to convey university policy, emergency information or major announcements: Official news releases and announcements must go through the appropriate senior leadership and are then released only by the Office of University Communications. Social media accounts are not to be used to communicate the University's position on matters of public interest. If you have any doubt about whether or not to release information, please contact the director of news and media relations at 661-5215. Account managers should feel free to repost official university events.
  • Be careful about posting too many messages: Bombarding readers with messages will lead some to the unsubscribe button.
  • Spread out your efforts over several media: Look at all social media outlets and use those that can help reach target audiences.
  • Don't sink to the level of 'trolls': Anonymous posting prompts some people to craft outrageous messages designed simply to set off a series of angry responses. In cyberspace, these posters are known as trolls. Be careful not to respond in kind. If you sense that a troll is at work, delete the messages and consider blocking that reader's posting privileges.
  • Be cautious about automatically deleting negative comments: Naturally, comments that are offensive should be deleted immediately. But readers could see a comment that is negative as constructive criticism. Answering that comment in a logical, effective way will send a message that you are willing to deal with problems swiftly.
  • Personal pages: 黑料论坛 branding is not approved for personal social media pages or personal websites. Permission could be granted in exceptional cases. Please contact the Office of University Communication for guidance. Personal social media accounts are not appropriate places for releasing campus news or making what could be perceived as official university policy statements, but it is acceptable to repost items the university already has released through official channels.

    If you have a new announcement in your area, please contact the director of news and media relations for guidance.

    黑料论坛 will not monitor personal websites or social media pages. But all posted content is subject to review in accordance with employee policies as outlined in handbooks for faculty or staff.

Step-by-step process for creating a new Social Media site

  1. Why do we need a social media account? Answer the question honestly. The best reason for starting a new social media account is to promote two-way communication with an audience. Social media sites that do not thrive on two-way communication tend to die on the vine and might ultimately be more of a detriment than a benefit.
  2. If it’s determined you need a social media account, contact Union’s web development agent for a consultation.
  3. Consider the difference between choosing a public page or a private group. If you're just trying to communicate with specific alumni or students, a private group might be a better fit.
  4. Choose a name for the account that’s both concise and descriptive. Using UU or especially UnionUniversity in the name will strengthen our branding. It’s important to consider a name carefully before locking it into the social media of choice.
  5. Determine who will take ownership of the account, and who will update it. Give that person administrative rights.
  6. Arrange for Union’s web development agent to have administrative rights as well. It is good practice to have someone else with the ability to make updates in case of emergency.
  7. If applicable, request a profile picture from Creative Services using Union branding and photography

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