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Academic Advising

Academics @ Union

Making the Most of Your Advising Appointment with your Faculty Advisor

The time to register for classes is fast approaching. Please follow the checklist below in order to be able to register for classes quickly and efficiently. Your advisor is available to help you with any questions you have, but being prepared with questions and knowing the classes you would like to take will make the advising and registration process much easier.

  • A new tool is now available to help you evaluate your program and see what courses remain for your major. This tool can also be very helpful to see how changing a major might affect your courses. This tool can be found at "Student Planning" on . You must have your correct catalogue year, degree, and major (academic program) for this tool to work correctly. You can see this information on . If you find that it is not correct on , you need to contact the Academic Dean's secretary to have it corrected in the system. You should double check every term that is showing your correct information. This automated degree audit tool IS NOT AN OFFICIAL audit. Only the signed degree audit with your degree auditor is official. Advisors are sent a copy of the official copy of the degree audit, and the student gets the original copy at the time of the official audit.
  • Curriculum Guides Online
    Using the published course list and the curriculum guides provided by your advisor, prepare a draft of your schedule, including days/times of preferred courses. Check your catalogue (for the year you entered as a student at Union to see if you have taken the prerequisites for each of your preferred courses. Again, the advisor should be able to help you determine a plan if you are new to this major.
  • Appointments
    Check your advisor's appointment schedule (you should receive e-mail instructions from your advisor) and sign up by the specified deadline.
  • Athletes
    If you are an athlete on a university team, consult with your coach regarding your travel/game schedule for the upcoming term/semester. Schedule classes and labs on days when you are least likely to be away from campus.
  • Credit-by-Testing
    Check the university's credit-by-testing policies before electing to pursue such options as CLEP or DANTES.
  • Transfer Classes
    Remember to obtain prior permission from the Academic Center for plans to take courses outside of Union (e.g. summer, 2012). Forms are available in the Academic Center, located behind Union Station. (Forms are not available online at this time.)
  • Seniors
    If you are a senior who needs to take a core course their senior year, you are strongly encouraged to register during the first two days of priority registration. Core classes fill up quickly, and the university may not provide special accommodations for seniors who have waited to register.

  • The best way to raise your GPA is to repeat courses that you may have previously struggled in. Use this to see where you are. In addition, the Center for Academic Success can help discuss ways we can help you prepare for and succeed in your upcoming classes.
  • Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career
    If you are unsure about your major, remember that the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career is available to meet with students to discuss how God has uniquely created them and assist with next steps such as career and major counseling. Because of high demand, please allow at least two weeks for an intake appointment. To schedule your personalized appointment, please contact vocatio@uu.edu.