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Baker to lecture on secularism’s failure

Hunter Baker
Hunter Baker

JACKSON, Tenn.Oct. 20, 2009 — Hunter Baker, author of the new book “The End of Secularism,” will lecture at ̳ Oct. 22.

Baker is director of strategic planning, associate provost and assistant professor of government at Houston Baptist University. His book was published by Crossway Books.

“Hunter Baker’s volume is a much-welcomed addition to the debate on the role of religion and faith in the public square,” Union President David S. Dockery said in an endorsement of the book. “To the confusion regarding matters of religion and politics, Baker brings illuminating clarity. To the ambiguity regarding the meaning and place of pluralism, he provides thoughtful analysis. To the directionless arguments for secularization, he offers an insightful and discerning response.”

The lecture, sponsored by Union’s Center for Politics and Religion, is entitled “The Failure of Secularism” and will begin at 7 p.m. in D-3 in the Penick Academic Complex. It is free and open to the public.

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215