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Madison releases book integrating soil science and faith

Beth Madison, associate professor of science for Union’s School of Adult and Professional Studies, released the first book of her “Good Ground” series. (Photo by Suzanne Rhodes)
Beth Madison, associate professor of science for Union’s School of Adult and Professional Studies, released the first book of her “Good Ground” series. (Photo by Suzanne Rhodes)

JACKSON, Tenn.June 24, 2022 — Beth Madison, associate professor of science for Union’s School of Adult and Professional Studies, released the first book of her “Good Ground” series that integrates Christian theology and practice within the study of soil and environmental science.

Madison, the author of the , said she hopes the book will become a resource to readers, helping enhance daily devotion times and small group Bible studies. As a take on modern-day parables, “Good Ground” will help readers take something they see every day — the nature at their feet — and learn more about the creator of both the world and humanity.

“I hope as readers interact with this book, they would start seeing the world around them in a new way,” Madison said. “I hope it will prompt them to think of Scripture or a certain Christian living principle and that it will ultimately draw them closer in intimacy with the creator of it all.”

Book two of Madison’s “Good Ground” series will release in fall 2022 and will highlight more lessons Christians can learn about God and Scripture from soil and environmental science.

“As we can explore more of this beautiful world, we can explore more of God’s beauty within it, and in doing so, love each other better,” Madison said.

Proceeds of “Good Ground” will go to financing student scholarships through Northeastern Baptist Press in Vermont. “Good Ground” is available to order at or at .

Media contact: Tim Ellsworth, news@uu.edu, 731-661-5215