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Safety & Security

Safety & Security at Union

Motor Vehicle Parking & Registration

Every individual who maintains or operates a motor vehicle on the 黑料论坛 campus must register each vehicle with the Safety & Security Office at the beginning of the semester or within 24 hours of bringing a vehicle to the campus. The registration fee is included in your total tuition package for the first permit. There is a $5 charge for each additional permit received within a year.

The vehicle's license plate number and proof of current auto liability insurance are required for registration of the vehicle.

State of Tennessee handicap permits are available for students or staff who require special consideration for either a temporary or permanent condition. These forms are available in our office but must be submitted to the County Clerk's office. A physician's statement will be required.

Permit Placement

The permit must be affixed directly to the outside rear window, driver's side, bottom corner. Use the adhesive on the permit to attach it to the window. CONVERTIBLES: affix the permit to the outside front window, driver's side, bottom corner. Permits may NOT be placed on the inside of the windshield.

Parking permits are assigned by the following color codes:

Parking permits are assigned by the following color codes
Faculty/Staff Blue
Students Red
Outside Memberships
(Wellness Center, etc.)
Regional Campuses Same Designations

Parking Regulations

  • Parking policy is in effect year-round, including University holidays and break periods.
  • Faculty/Staff spaces, designated by blue lines, or a marked Visitor space, may not be used by students between 7:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Park only in lined spaces. (Vehicles will be ticketed if any part of the vehicle is over/on the line)
  • Do not park blocking a Dumpster.
  • Do not park in a handicap space without an official handicap license plate or placard.
  • Parking on the grass, sidewalks and roadways is prohibited.
  • Do not park blocking another vehicle or blocking the flow of traffic.
  • Do not park in Reserved spaces or in non-designated areas. Do not block the Post Office loading/unloading zone.
  • Vehicles may not be left unattended in the fire lanes of any building at any time for any reason.
  • Loitering is not permitted.

Parking Brochure

The continued cooperation on the part of everyone concerned is expected and essential.


Parking control is under the jurisdiction of the Director of Safety & Security. Tickets can be paid in the Safety & Security Office. If tickets are not paid, cleared or appealed in the Security office within 3 business days, the fine will be charged to your account by the Office of Business Services. Students accumulating more than 5 tickets in an academic year will have $5 added to each ticket beyond the 5th.

If you receive a citation when you believe you are in compliance with the parking regulations, a written appeal may be filed and submitted to the Office of Safety & Security. An Appeal Form may be obtained online or in the Safety & Security Office and must be completed within 3 business days following the date of the ticket. You will be notified of the outcome of your appeal after a decision has been made. If the appeal is denied, the violator will have 3 business days from the notification of the denial to pay the ticket or it will be sent to the Office of Business Services to be applied to the student's account.

Students in violation of parking regulations will be ticketed and fines imposed as follows (effective 8/1/2014):

  • Permit Improperly Displayed 10.00
  • Over / On the Line 10.00
  • Unmarked Area 10.00
  • Violation of Posted Time Limit 20.00
  • Blocking Another Vehicle 35.00
  • Parked in Flow of Traffic / Blocking Traffic 35.00
  • Driving or Parking on Grass / Walkway 35.00
  • Blocking Fire Hydrant 35.00
  • Parking Without a Valid Permit 35.00
  • Faculty / Staff Spaces 35.00
  • Circle / Fire Lane / Striped Area 35.00
  • Reserved Spaces 35.00
  • Disregarding Traffic Control Device 35.00
  • Handicap Space / Blocking Ramp 50.00
  • Reckless Driving 50.00
  • Blocking Dumpsters 100.00

Additional Fines

Persons who accumulate more than five violations during the academic year (August - July) will have a $5.00 fine added to each additional ticket received. In addition to the designated fine, a chronic offender may be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. A chronic offender's vehicle is subject to removal from campus at any time at the owner's expense.

Towing Vehicles

Vehicles parked in reserved/designated spaces, blocking entrances and exits, loading and unloading zones, and chronic offenders are subject to removal at any time at the owner's expense. The University reserves the right to tow any vehicle at any time at the owner's expense.


Individuals receiving traffic tickets may discuss their case with designated staff personnel in the Safety and Security Office. Obvious errors will be corrected. Formal appeals may be made to the Office of Safety and Security. A written Appeal Form must be completed outlining the basis for the appeal within three business days following the date of the ticket. The student will receive an email regarding the outcome of the appeal.

  • Parking Violation Appeal Form: Word | PDF


The University reserves the right to inspect cars which are parked on University property.