Safety Tips
The University makes every reasonable effort to provide for the safety and security of students and their personal property, but students must practice good safety habits and exercise individual responsibility. The ultimate responsibility for personal security rests with each individual. Each person should be aware of his/her surroundings and potential risks to personal safety: walk with friends and in lighted areas, know building evacuation procedures, drive defensively, lock vehicles, and know how to contact security officers, resident directors, and other campus authorities.
Campus residents should exercise caution and take responsible actions in order to protect themselves and property:
- Keep apartments secure
- Lock room doors and windows
- Do not prop gates
- Report suspicious activities to the resident directors or security officers.
The Director of Safety and Security and his staff of security officers are employed by the University to assist in maintaining campus safety. Security concerns should be reported to the Office of Safety and Security, a Security Officer, or a resident director. The Security Office is located in Hammons Hall (first floor).
Students are expected to treat security officers with courtesy and respect and are to respond to any reasonable request.
Fire Safety
Fire Safety Procedures for fire and other emergencies are posted in highly visible locations throughout the campus buildings, and exits are clearly marked. Students are encouraged to become familiar with the locations of equipment and with outlined procedures. Any damaged or missing equipment should be reported to the Office of Safety and Security.
Tampering with safety equipment will be grounds for severe disciplinary action or civil charges.
Each resident can help keep the residence complexes safe and secure by following some simple precautions.
- Babysitting - The University does not allow babysitting in the Residence Complexes. This is for the safety of the children, the liability of the university and the protection of other resident's right to a peaceful environment that is conducive to study.
- Bicycles - Students are responsible for the safety of their bicycle. Bicycles must be locked on provided bike racks.
- Candles - Any candle, incense or open flame is prohibited because of fire potential.
- Electrical Appliances - Appliances should be no more than 1000 watts, must be U.L. approved and properly maintained. Toaster ovens, hot-plates, sun-lamps and halogen lamps are prohibited because of fire potential.
- Electrical Cords and Outlets - Do not use multi-plug covers, cords or other splitters to increase the number of appliances. An acceptable solution is a multi-plug "power strip" with an internal fuse.
- Fire / Tornado - Fire/Tornado/Emergency regulations are posted in each apartment. Removal of these are against city fire codes and will result in a $25 fine. Fire extinguishers are in each apartment. They are to be discharged only in an emergency. If the fire alarm or tornado warning and "all call" is sounded, residents must follow the emergency procedures posted in the apartment living room. If you need assistance call your R.A. or Director. A siren will be followed by verbal instructions (i.e., evacuate, shelter in place, proceed to 1st floor bathroom, etc.).
- Grills - Fire regulations state that while in use, grills must be at least 25 feet from any building. Only the grassy area in the middle of Heritage may be used for cooking out.
- Keys - All suitemates are mutually responsible for keeping room doors locked, locks functioning, windows locked, and keys under control for the security of persons and property. Report any problem with your key or lock immediately. Do not loan out your keys, tamper with the lock, or prop door open or hide keys.
- Personal Property Insurance - 黑料论坛 does not provide insurance coverage for individual students. Therefore, students should obtain personal property insurance, through agents of their choice, for all items belonging to the student in his or her room.
- Smoking - Use of tobacco (in any form) is prohibited in all of the Residence Complexes. 黑料论坛 is a smoke-free campus.
- Solicitation - All solicitation of commercial, social or charitable organizations is prohibited. This is for the protection of all residents. Any reports of solicitation should be reported to the Residence Life Staff or the Office of Safety and Security. Parties of this nature are not to be held in apartments or on campus.
- Strangers - Know the residents in your building, be part of the "neighborhood watch" within the residence complexes. Report suspicious/unusual people to the Residence Life Staff or Safety and Security.
- Thefts - All suspected thefts should be reported to the Office of Safety and Security and an incident report filed. Students should be aware of the whereabouts of their keys, backpacks and other valuables.
- Window Screens - These serve two purposes, as a deterrent to unwanted insects, and as a safety precaution. These are not to be removed.
- Windows-Windows should be kept locked at all times when the resident of that room is not present. Hanging out or climbing out or into windows is not allowed. Federal Safety Regulations prohibit this activity, therefore 黑料论坛 complies to these standards. Moving in/out through windows is prohibited.