4/21/18 | 28316 | XL
Students enjoy authentic international dishes at this year's International Food Fest. - Janelle Vest
2/26/18 | 28134 | XL
A group of middle schoolers from China take a tour of Union during an international education tour. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/26/18 | 28135 | XL
Phillip Ryan, director of the center for intercultural engagement, has lunch with a group of middle schoolers and their teacher from China. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/24/16 | 26975 | XL
International students get ice cream during a gathering in the International Student Lounge at the start of the fall semester. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/24/16 | 26978 | XL
Aineah Kipkeu shakes hands with Pam Whitnell, international student program advisor, during an ice cream social for international students. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/24/16 | 26979 | XL
Song Kim chats with friends during the ice cream social in the International Student Lounge. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/15/16 | 26294 | XL
Students browse the external study options at the Study Abroad Fair in the SUB. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/15/16 | 26296 | XL
Students chat with Victoria Malone, assistant professor of language and coordinator of study abroad, during the Study Abroad Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/15/16 | 26297 | XL
Korey Adams, freshman biology major, talks with Victoria Malon, assistant professor of language and coordinator of study abroad, during the Study Abroad Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/18/15 | 25790 | XL
Julie Glosson, professor of language, speaks with a student about study abroad options at the External Study Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/18/15 | 25791 | XL
Students at the External Study Fair sign up to learn more about opportunities to study abroad. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/18/15 | 25792 | XL
Ginny Schwindt, associate professor of social work and MSW field director, talks to a student about a study abroad opportunity during the External Study Fair, hosted by the Institute for International and Intercultural Study. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/18/15 | 25793 | XL
Students at the External Study Fair learn about opportunities to study abroad. The event was hosted by the Institute for International and Intercultural Study. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/28/15 | 24834 | XL
Students stop by the many tables set up for the External Study Fair, where they can get info about study abroad opportunities. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24828 | XL
Students pick up info flyers at the External Study Fair in the PAC hallway. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24829 | XL
Susan Bolyard, program coordinator for the IIIS, Victoria Malone, coordinator of study abroad, talk during the External Study Fair where students can learn about opportunities to study abroad. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24830 | XL
Virginia Schwindt, associate professor of social work and MSW field director, explains the study abroad opportunity for social work students during the External Study Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24831 | XL
Phillip Ryan, coordinator of the ESL program, and Victoria Malone, coordinator of study abroad, chat with a student at the External Study Fair, which gives students an opportunity to learn about study abroad opportunities. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24832 | XL
Jean Marie Walls, professor of language and department chair, talks with guests at the External Study Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/27/15 | 24833 | XL
James Kerfoot, assistant professor of biology, shows off one of the department's birds during the External Study Fair. The event gives students an opportunity to learn about study abroad opportunities, including one with the biology department. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/13/13 | 21594 | XL
Yumi Miyazaki, junior political science major, shows a keepsake book from Japan to Emily Harper, international student advisor, during the CultureFEST culture fair. - Jacob Moore
3/12/13 | 21595 | XL
Sophomore Alma Hernandez talks about Guatemala with Esperanza Aguilar, secretary and student success advocate for the Vocatio Center, during the CultureFEST culture fair. - Jacob Moore
2/16/13 | 21405 | XL
Students participate in an external study fair in the PAC where they learned about different study abroad options available. - Olivia Wallace
2/16/13 | 21406 | XL
Faculty members and students discuss different study abroad options at the external study fair. - Olivia Wallace
2/15/13 | 21404 | XL
Students discuss different study abroad options during the external study fair. - Olivia Wallace
11/15/11 | 19166 | XL
Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward." - Jacob Moore
11/15/11 | 19167 | XL
Donald Jordan, mental health clinician for West Tennessee Healthcare and community developer and trainer for Area Relief Ministries, speaks during the Town and Gown lecture series on "The Congregation as Expert: A New Way Forward." - Jacob Moore
11/8/11 | 19046 | XL
Jennifer Escue and Louisa Saratora, who serve with Catholic Charities of Tennessee, speak at the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
11/8/11 | 19047 | XL
Jennifer Escue and Louisa Saratora, who serve with Catholic Charities of Tennessee, give a lecture titled, "Beyond Good Intentions: When Culture, Crisis, and Social Services Intersect" at a Town and Gown lecture. - Anne Richoux
11/8/11 | 19048 | XL
Louisa Saratora, assistant state refugee coordinator with the Tennessee Office for Refugees, speaks at the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
11/1/11 | 18920 | XL
Ann Livingstone, vice president of research and education for the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, speaks at the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
11/1/11 | 18921 | XL
Guests listen as Ann Livingstone, vice president of research and education for the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, lectures on "Helping Hands and Loaded Arms: The Interface Between Humanitarian Organizations and the Military in Contemporary Conflict Environments" as a part of the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
11/1/11 | 18922 | XL
During a "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture, Ann Livingstone, vice president of research and education for the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, speaks about military culture. - Anne Richoux
10/25/11 | 18812 | XL
Andrea McDaniel, president of McDaniel Global Strategies and co-founder of the As We Forgive - Rwanda Initiative, speaks during the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
10/25/11 | 18813 | XL
Guests at the "Culture and Crisis" Town and Gown lecture series listen as Andrea McDaniel speaks. - Anne Richoux
10/25/11 | 18814 | XL
Andrea McDaniels speaks on "Global Vision: Exploring Avenues of International Work and Service" during the Town and Gown lecture series. - Anne Richoux
10/18/11 | 18782 | XL
Patrick Melancon, managing director of disaster response and training for Baptist Global Response, speaks on "Making a World of Difference in a World of Indifference." - Anne Richoux
8/6/05 | 3680 | XL
President Dockery presents Carolyn Bishop with a plaque of installation for Senior Fellow in the Institute for International and Intercultural Studies during summer graduation. - Jim Veneman
10/15/02 | 512 | XL
The Union faculty gathered together in October to listen to Dr. Jean Marie Walls, chair of the language department, at the second Enkuklios Paideia (Circle of Learning) meeting. - Jim Veneman
10/15/02 | 513 | XL
Dr. Jean Marie Walls, chair of the language department, was the speaker at the second Enkuklios Paideia (Circle of Learning) meeting where she spoke on 17th Century issues with the address Narrating Self and Other. - Jim Veneman
5/10/02 | 748 | XL
Dr. Julie Glosson, assistant professor of Spanish, leads her class in a discussion. - Jim Veneman