Keith Bates Photos
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10/16/23 | 31021 | XL
Keith Bates, chair of the Department of History, welcomes Alan Taylor, Thomas Jefferson memorial foundation professor of history at the University of Virginia, to the stage for his evening address in the 2023 Carls-Schwerdfeger History Lecture. - Lauren Steed
2/25/20 | 29457 | XL
Members of the history department gather for a Phi Alpha Theta history honor society meeting. - Naomi Mengel
8/14/15 | 25549 | XL
Keith Bates, professor of history, helps a new student during move-in day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/6/12 | 21190 | XL
Members of the history department enjoy a lunch break at Parker's Crossroads Battlefield during Campus and Community Day. - Jacob Moore
5/4/12 | 20422 | XL
Keith Bates, associate professor of history and 2011 Faculty of the Year, leads a prayer during the annual Awards Day chapel service. - Jacob Moore
8/26/11 | 18334 | XL
Keith Bates, associate professor of history and faculty member of the year, stands on stage as other faculty members file in to Convocation at the beginning of the semester. - Ebbie Davis
12/1/10 | 16285 | XL
Keith Bates, associate professor of History, speaks in chapel on Matthew chapter 1 - Deanna Santangelo
11/2/10 | 15882 | XL
Mary Alisa Techentin, senior history major, works with Keith Bates, associate professor of history, on restoring an 1800s home that is now located at Casey Jones Village. The history department helped with the project as part of Campus and Community Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/2/10 | 15889 | XL
Glenae Nora, sophomore history major, and Keith Bates, associate professor of history, clean the windows of the Neil House, the 1800s home that was recently moved to Casey Jones Village to be restored. The history department volunteered to help on the restoration during Campus and Community Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/29/10 | 13812 | XL
Students engage in discussion under the shade during a History of Christianity and Pop Culture class with Dr. Keith Bates, Assistant Professor of History. - Beth Spain
2/24/09 | 10812 | XL
Keith Bates, assistant professor of history, teaches during the Spring 2009 semester. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/5/08 | 10562 | XL
Joshua Hays, senior Christian ethics major, and Keith Bates, history professor, carry a cedar plank for placement in the construction of a simple bog bridge at Pinson Mounds during Day of Remembrance. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/5/08 | 10567 | XL
Judy LeForge, history professor, Caitlin Roach, freshman history major, Chad Keathley, junior theology major, Keith Bates, history professor, Amy Brown, junior Biblical studies major, Stephen Carls, history chair, and Trista Rowland, senior history major, participate in a cedar plank transport system to facilitate the process of getting the planks to their proper location. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/7/07 | 8846 | XL
Keith Bates, assistant professor of history, serves at Fort Pillow State Historic Park on Day of Remembrance. - Matthew Diggs
10/22/07 | 8981 | XL
Keith Bates lectures at a history discussion of the recent Ken Burns documentary on World War II. - Matt Elia
11/9/05 | 4288 | XL
Park Superintendent Steven McCoy (right) welcomes history faculty and students to Fort Donelson National Battlefield during Union's Day of Remembrance. Day of Remembrance participants pictured in the photo are: (left to right) Jared Myracle, Dr. Terry Lindley, Professor Keith Bates, Cassie Harris, Dr. Stephen Carls, and Jennifer May. - Jim Veneman