5/9/17 | 27606 | XL
Jessica Vineyard, senior mathematics major, Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, and John Gollihugh, senior mathematics major, walk across campus near The Logos. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/9/17 | 27607 | XL
Jessica Vineyard, senior mathematics major, Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, and John Gollihugh, senior mathematics major, meet in the archives room in The Logos. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/9/17 | 27608 | XL
Jessica Vineyard, senior mathematics major, Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, and John Gollihugh, senior mathematics major, walk across campus near The Logos. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/1/16 | 26654 | XL
Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, speaks in chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/1/16 | 26655 | XL
Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, gives the address during chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody
6/24/15 | 25506 | XL
Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, speaks to a group of area math teachers at a Math Institute hosted by the School of Education. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/10/06 | 5378 | XL
Chris Hail, faculty member of the year and associate professor of mathematics, opens the Awards Day ceremony with prayer. - Heather Phillips
5/10/06 | 5877 | XL
Chris Hail, professor of mathematics, leads in prayer during the Awards Day chapel. - Kyle Kurlick
5/10/06 | 5878 | XL
Pam Sutton wipes her eyes after just being named faculty member of the year during Awards Day. Also pictured is Chris Hail, faculty member of the year 2004-2005. - Kyle Kurlick
5/10/06 | 5879 | XL
Chris Hail and Pam Sutton, faculty members of the year 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 respectively, bow in prayer at the conclusion of the Awards Day ceremony. - Kyle Kurlick
2/17/06 | 4768 | XL
Chris Hail, associate professor of mathematics, fellowships with alum Frederic Palmliden during the mathematics alumni gathering at Homecoming 2006. - Stephanny Rodriguez
5/4/05 | 3112 | XL
President Dockery congratulates mathematics professor Chris Hail after he was named Faculty of the Year during Awards Day. - Morris Abernathy