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Phi Alpha Theta Photos

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Members of the Phi Alpha Theta history honor society work on some outdoor projects at a local Jackson park during Campus & Community Day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 11/2/21 | 30227 | XL
Members of the Phi Alpha Theta history honor society work on some outdoor projects at a local Jackson park during Campus & Community Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Students in Phi Alpha Theta history honor society prepare to begin their meeting. - Photo by Naomi Mengel 2/25/20 | 29456 | XL
Students in Phi Alpha Theta history honor society prepare to begin their meeting. - Naomi Mengel

Members of the history department gather for a Phi Alpha Theta history honor society meeting.  - Photo by Naomi Mengel 2/25/20 | 29457 | XL
Members of the history department gather for a Phi Alpha Theta history honor society meeting. - Naomi Mengel

Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, leads a Phi Alpha Theta history honor society meeting. - Photo by Naomi Mengel 2/25/20 | 29458 | XL
Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, leads a Phi Alpha Theta history honor society meeting. - Naomi Mengel

Staff members shop the Franco-American Bake sale hosted by the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. - Photo by Joey Echeverria 4/10/19 | 28916 | XL
Staff members shop the Franco-American Bake sale hosted by the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. - Joey Echeverria

Jack Waters, history major, and his fellow students in the history department work in the Liberty Garden park for Campus and Community Day. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 11/6/18 | 28656 | XL
Jack Waters, history major, and his fellow students in the history department work in the Liberty Garden park for Campus and Community Day. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, leads a meeting of the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. - Photo by Lynn Tucker 9/20/18 | 28509 | XL
Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, leads a meeting of the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. - Lynn Tucker

New members of Phi Alpha Theta are sworn in during a meeting. - Photo by Janelle Vest 2/27/18 | 28128 | XL
New members of Phi Alpha Theta are sworn in during a meeting. - Janelle Vest

Students get inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, a history honor society. - Photo by Hannah Heckart 9/14/17 | 27744 | XL
Students get inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, a history honor society. - Hannah Heckart

Jessica Barton, junior Intercultural studies major, is inducted into a leadership position during the Phi Alpha Theta Plenary Meeting.  - Photo by Morgan Morfe 2/20/17 | 27369 | XL
Jessica Barton, junior Intercultural studies major, is inducted into a leadership position during the Phi Alpha Theta Plenary Meeting. - Morgan Morfe

Stephen Carls, history professor and national vice president of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, speaks to staff and students at the plenary meeting.  - Photo by Morgan Morfe 2/20/17 | 27371 | XL
Stephen Carls, history professor and national vice president of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, speaks to staff and students at the plenary meeting. - Morgan Morfe

The 2015-16 and 2016-17 student leaders of the Phi Alpa Theta History Honor Society pose for a picture together. - Photo by Morgan Morfe 2/20/17 | 27372 | XL
The 2015-16 and 2016-17 student leaders of the Phi Alpa Theta History Honor Society pose for a picture together. - Morgan Morfe

Students and staff have a laugh at the Phi Alpha Theta Plenary Meeting on Monday evening.  - Photo by Morgan Morfe 2/20/17 | 27370 | XL
Students and staff have a laugh at the Phi Alpha Theta Plenary Meeting on Monday evening. - Morgan Morfe

Leaders of Phi Alpha Theta and Stephen Carls, professor of history and department chair, present a best chapter check award to director of library services, Melissa Moore.    - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 12/1/16 | 27291 | XL
Leaders of Phi Alpha Theta and Stephen Carls, professor of history and department chair, present a best chapter check award to director of library services, Melissa Moore. - Elizabeth Wilson

Six new members are inducted in to the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society in the fall of 2015. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 9/14/15 | 25728 | XL
Six new members are inducted in to the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society in the fall of 2015. - Elizabeth Wilson

Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, shares a word to the new members of Phi Alpha Theta. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 9/14/15 | 25730 | XL
Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, shares a word to the new members of Phi Alpha Theta. - Elizabeth Wilson

Refreshments are enjoyed by Phi Alpha Theta members after inducting new members.  - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 9/14/15 | 25733 | XL
Refreshments are enjoyed by Phi Alpha Theta members after inducting new members. - Elizabeth Wilson

Phi Alpha Theta members enjoy refreshments after the induction of new members. - Photo by Elizabeth Wilson 9/14/15 | 25734 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta members enjoy refreshments after the induction of new members. - Elizabeth Wilson

Members of the history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, talk to new students at the Student Organization Fair during Welcome Week in the Penick Academic Complex.  - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 8/17/15 | 25580 | XL
Members of the history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, talk to new students at the Student Organization Fair during Welcome Week in the Penick Academic Complex. - MiKalla Cotton

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society runs the Franco-American Bake Sale in the SUB hallway. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 3/18/15 | 24978 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society runs the Franco-American Bake Sale in the SUB hallway. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Students in Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society chat and enjoy snacks prior to their meeting.  - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24835 | XL
Students in Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society chat and enjoy snacks prior to their meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New members of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society are introduced during a meeting.  - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24836 | XL
New members of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society are introduced during a meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Faith Bagley, senior history major, opens the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society meeting as the outgoing president of the organization. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24837 | XL
Faith Bagley, senior history major, opens the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society meeting as the outgoing president of the organization. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, makes announcements at the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society meeting.  - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24838 | XL
Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, makes announcements at the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Members of Phi Alpha Theta take notes during their meeting. PAT is a national history honor society. - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24839 | XL
Members of Phi Alpha Theta take notes during their meeting. PAT is a national history honor society. - Kristi McMurry Woody

New members of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting.  - Photo by Kristi McMurry Woody 2/24/15 | 24840 | XL
New members of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting. - Kristi McMurry Woody

Phi Alpha Theta president, Faith Bagley, senior history major, speaks to students in their meeting. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 9/15/14 | 23950 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta president, Faith Bagley, senior history major, speaks to students in their meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Stephen Carls, professor of history, proudly holds up the Phi Alpha Theta 2014 Best Chapter award in the first chapter meeting of the semester. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 9/15/14 | 23951 | XL
Stephen Carls, professor of history, proudly holds up the Phi Alpha Theta 2014 Best Chapter award in the first chapter meeting of the semester. - MiKalla Cotton

Stephen Carls, professor of history, leads the Phi Alpha Theta meeting. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 9/15/14 | 23952 | XL
Stephen Carls, professor of history, leads the Phi Alpha Theta meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Phi Alpha Theta vice president, Hannah Jones, senior history major, inducts this year's new members at their meeting. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 9/15/14 | 23947 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta vice president, Hannah Jones, senior history major, inducts this year's new members at their meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Union's History chapter, Phi Alpha Theta, meets on the occasion of inducting their newest members. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 9/15/14 | 23949 | XL
Union's History chapter, Phi Alpha Theta, meets on the occasion of inducting their newest members. - MiKalla Cotton

Allen Bradley, sophomore business administration major, and Sarah Carroll, junior political science major, man the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Bake Sale outside of Brewer Dining Hall. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 3/21/14 | 23226 | XL
Allen Bradley, sophomore business administration major, and Sarah Carroll, junior political science major, man the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Bake Sale outside of Brewer Dining Hall. - MiKalla Cotton

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society hosts their annual Franco-American bake sale outside of the Brewer Dining Hall.  - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 3/21/14 | 23227 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society hosts their annual Franco-American bake sale outside of the Brewer Dining Hall. - MiKalla Cotton

New members of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting.  - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/18/14 | 23056 | XL
New members of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

New members of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting.  - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/18/14 | 23057 | XL
New members of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society are inducted during a meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Stephen Carls, university professor and department chair, speaks to the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society during their induction meeting. - Photo by MiKalla Cotton 2/18/14 | 23060 | XL
Stephen Carls, university professor and department chair, speaks to the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society during their induction meeting. - MiKalla Cotton

Members of Union's Phi Alpha Theta chapter and history department scrub moss off a tombstone at Jackson's Historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community: A Day of Remembrance and Service. - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/5/13 | 22700 | XL
Members of Union's Phi Alpha Theta chapter and history department scrub moss off a tombstone at Jackson's Historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community: A Day of Remembrance and Service. - Jacob Moore

Katherine Cheshire, freshman history major, removes moss from a tombstone at Jackson's historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community Day. - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/5/13 | 22701 | XL
Katherine Cheshire, freshman history major, removes moss from a tombstone at Jackson's historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community Day. - Jacob Moore

Jackson Mayor Jerry Gist visits with Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, at the historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community: A Day of Remembrance and Service. Phi Alpha Theta, the history honor society, worked all morning to clean up the cemetery.  - Photo by Jacob Moore 11/5/13 | 22702 | XL
Jackson Mayor Jerry Gist visits with Stephen Carls, university professor of history and department chair, at the historic Hollywood Cemetery during Campus and Community: A Day of Remembrance and Service. Phi Alpha Theta, the history honor society, worked all morning to clean up the cemetery. - Jacob Moore

New members of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society swear in during a chapter meeting. - Photo by Jacob Moore 2/19/13 | 21457 | XL
New members of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society swear in during a chapter meeting. - Jacob Moore

Phi Alpha Theta inducts five new members to the Union chapter.  - Photo by Abigail Harris 2/21/11 | 16644 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta inducts five new members to the Union chapter. - Abigail Harris

黑料论坛's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta holds a meeting.  - Photo by Abigail Harris 2/21/11 | 16645 | XL
黑料论坛's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta holds a meeting. - Abigail Harris

Kate Cline, senior history major and president of the Phi Alpha Theta chapter at Union, welcomes new members after their induction.  - Photo by Abigail Harris 2/21/11 | 16646 | XL
Kate Cline, senior history major and president of the Phi Alpha Theta chapter at Union, welcomes new members after their induction. - Abigail Harris

Katelyn O'Roarke, junior biology major, inducts new members into Phi Alpha Theta, the history society. - Photo by Sarah Palmer Goff 9/21/09 | 11749 | XL
Katelyn O'Roarke, junior biology major, inducts new members into Phi Alpha Theta, the history society. - Sarah Palmer Goff

Terry Lindley, professor of history, speaks to Travis Lutz, junior history major, after a Phi Alpha Theta member induction meeting. - Photo by Sarah Palmer Goff 9/21/09 | 11751 | XL
Terry Lindley, professor of history, speaks to Travis Lutz, junior history major, after a Phi Alpha Theta member induction meeting. - Sarah Palmer Goff

Betsy Davis, junior history/English major, shows off her new Phi Alpha Theta membership to Keith Bates, assistant professor of history, and Elizabeth Blevins, junior history major. - Photo by Sarah Palmer Goff 9/21/09 | 11750 | XL
Betsy Davis, junior history/English major, shows off her new Phi Alpha Theta membership to Keith Bates, assistant professor of history, and Elizabeth Blevins, junior history major. - Sarah Palmer Goff

Stephen Carls (front left), faculty advisor to Union's Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, talks with Union President David S. Dockery (front right) at the chapter's time capsule dedication
ceremony which took place on November 4, 2006.  The time capsule, buried in 2006, will be opened on the chapter's 100th anniversary in 2053. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 11/4/06 | 6383 | XL
Stephen Carls (front left), faculty advisor to Union's Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, talks with Union President David S. Dockery (front right) at the chapter's time capsule dedication ceremony which took place on November 4, 2006. The time capsule, buried in 2006, will be opened on the chapter's 100th anniversary in 2053. - Morris Abernathy

Stephen Carls, chair of the department of history and political science, makes some opening remarks at the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society's time capsule dedication ceremony during Union's 2006 Homecoming. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 11/4/06 | 6384 | XL
Stephen Carls, chair of the department of history and political science, makes some opening remarks at the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society's time capsule dedication ceremony during Union's 2006 Homecoming. - Morris Abernathy

People who attended the time capsule dedication ceremony of the Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta gathered around the time capsule after the program, which took place during Homecoming 2006.   - Photo by Morris Abernathy 11/4/06 | 6385 | XL
People who attended the time capsule dedication ceremony of the Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta gathered around the time capsule after the program, which took place during Homecoming 2006. - Morris Abernathy

The Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta presented a 2005 Best Chapter Award check to the 黑料论坛 Library on December 8, 2005.  Present at the ceremony were: (left to right) Heather Tobe, chapter president in 2004-2005; Mr. Steve Baker, Director of the Library; Dr. Stephen Carls, faculty advisor to the Delta-Psi Chapter; and, Cassie Harris, the 2005-2006 chapter president. The $250 prize was awarded by the Phi Alpha Theta national office. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 12/8/05 | 4334 | XL
The Delta-Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta presented a 2005 Best Chapter Award check to the 黑料论坛 Library on December 8, 2005. Present at the ceremony were: (left to right) Heather Tobe, chapter president in 2004-2005; Mr. Steve Baker, Director of the Library; Dr. Stephen Carls, faculty advisor to the Delta-Psi Chapter; and, Cassie Harris, the 2005-2006 chapter president. The $250 prize was awarded by the Phi Alpha Theta national office. - Morris Abernathy

Park Superintendent Steven McCoy (right) welcomes history faculty and students to Fort Donelson National Battlefield during Union's Day of Remembrance.  Day of Remembrance participants pictured in the photo are: (left to right) Jared Myracle, Dr. Terry Lindley, Professor Keith Bates, Cassie Harris, Dr. Stephen Carls, and Jennifer May. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4288 | XL
Park Superintendent Steven McCoy (right) welcomes history faculty and students to Fort Donelson National Battlefield during Union's Day of Remembrance. Day of Remembrance participants pictured in the photo are: (left to right) Jared Myracle, Dr. Terry Lindley, Professor Keith Bates, Cassie Harris, Dr. Stephen Carls, and Jennifer May. - Jim Veneman

Senior Sharon Hart gets a tree ready to plant in the cemetery at Fort Donelson.  She and other Phi Alpha Theta students and history faculty participated in a Day of Remembrance service project at the Civil War battlefield of Fort Donelson. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4289 | XL
Senior Sharon Hart gets a tree ready to plant in the cemetery at Fort Donelson. She and other Phi Alpha Theta students and history faculty participated in a Day of Remembrance service project at the Civil War battlefield of Fort Donelson. - Jim Veneman

Senior Heather Tobe digs a hole to plant a tree at Fort Donelson National Cemetery on Day of Remembrance. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4290 | XL
Senior Heather Tobe digs a hole to plant a tree at Fort Donelson National Cemetery on Day of Remembrance. - Jim Veneman

Phi Alpha Theta member Cassie Harris cleans gravestones in the national cemetery at Fort Donelson on Day of Remembrance. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4291 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta member Cassie Harris cleans gravestones in the national cemetery at Fort Donelson on Day of Remembrance. - Jim Veneman

Phi Alpha Theta member Jared Myracle finishes planting a tree in the picnic area of Fort Donelson National Battlefield on Day of Remembrance. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4292 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta member Jared Myracle finishes planting a tree in the picnic area of Fort Donelson National Battlefield on Day of Remembrance. - Jim Veneman

Dr. David Thomas and Jennifer May read a marker that explains a part of the Civil War battle at Fort Donelson after their Day of Remembrance service project. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4293 | XL
Dr. David Thomas and Jennifer May read a marker that explains a part of the Civil War battle at Fort Donelson after their Day of Remembrance service project. - Jim Veneman

Jennifer May, Dr. David Thomas, and Sharon Hart look at a Civil War Confederate cannon on the Cumberland River at Fort Donelson National Battlefield after their Day of Remembrance service project. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4294 | XL
Jennifer May, Dr. David Thomas, and Sharon Hart look at a Civil War Confederate cannon on the Cumberland River at Fort Donelson National Battlefield after their Day of Remembrance service project. - Jim Veneman

Senior Sharon Hart uses a spotting device to observe a bald eagle's nest at Fort Donelson after a Day of Remembrance service project.  Behind her are: (left to right) Dr. David Thomas, Heather Tobe (seated) and Dr. Judy LeForge. - Photo by Jim Veneman 11/9/05 | 4295 | XL
Senior Sharon Hart uses a spotting device to observe a bald eagle's nest at Fort Donelson after a Day of Remembrance service project. Behind her are: (left to right) Dr. David Thomas, Heather Tobe (seated) and Dr. Judy LeForge. - Jim Veneman

Phi Alpha Theta presidents (past - Spencer Lowery, left of center; present - Heather Tobe, far right; future - Cassie Harris, far left), along with Chapter Advisor Stephen Carls (center) and Library Director Steve Baker, hold history books purchased with prize money that Union's chapter won in a national organization's 2004 Best Chapter Award competition. A check was presented to the library that same day. - Photo by Morris Abernathy 3/3/05 | 3015 | XL
Phi Alpha Theta presidents (past - Spencer Lowery, left of center; present - Heather Tobe, far right; future - Cassie Harris, far left), along with Chapter Advisor Stephen Carls (center) and Library Director Steve Baker, hold history books purchased with prize money that Union's chapter won in a national organization's 2004 Best Chapter Award competition. A check was presented to the library that same day. - Morris Abernathy

Dr. Terry Lindley, Senior Josh Moore, Junior Jody Wysor, and Senior Kevin Vailes fellowship at the Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference held at Union. - Photo by Jim Veneman 2/22/03 | 964 | XL
Dr. Terry Lindley, Senior Josh Moore, Junior Jody Wysor, and Senior Kevin Vailes fellowship at the Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference held at Union. - Jim Veneman