Christopher Blair Photos
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9/24/22 | 30650 | XL
Rebekah Whitaker, assistant professor of communication arts and director for debate, chats with alumni Lisa Fields Sheilley and Chris Blair, professor of communication arts, at the Faculty and Staff Reception during Union's bicentennial kick-off celebration. - Suzanne Rhodes
9/27/18 | 28515 | XL
Chris Blair (left), professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, shows students some of the university's film equipment. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/10/18 | 28255 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts, and Cam Tracy, web development agent, present awards to student filmmakers at the annual Student Film Festival. - Janelle Vest
5/6/16 | 26768 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, presents David Parks with the academic excellence award in digital media communications. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/29/16 | 26532 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, speaks briefly between films during the 2016 Union Student Film Festival Awards and Screenings. - David Parks
5/1/15 | 25244 | XL
Cam Tracy, left, web development agent in university communications, greets Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, and family to congratulate Ashley Blair, right, assistant professor of commutation arts, for receiving the 2015-2016 Carla D. Sanderson Faculty of the Year award following Awards Day Chapel. - MiKalla Cotton
5/1/15 | 25275 | XL
Chris Blair, professor of communication arts and coordinator of DMS, presents Elizabeth Fletcher, senior DMS major, with an academic excellence medal. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/9/13 | 21626 | XL
Ben Haws, senior media communications major, and Grant Atkinson, junior media communications major, talk about their long form film "Solidarity" during the Film Festival. - Olivia Wallace
3/26/12 | 19951 | XL
Cam Tracy, web development agent, and Chris Blair, professor of communication arts, ask questions to student directors during the first screening of the Student Film Festival. - Jacob Moore
9/19/09 | 11714 | XL
Chris Blair, associate professor of communication arts and DMS coordinator, talks to Scott Goff, junior DMS major, about video cameras during the DMS Society's Dundees party. - Sarah Palmer Goff
5/9/06 | 5897 | XL
Chris Blair, acting chair of the communication arts department, presents an award to a student during Cafe Bongo. Due to weather, Cafe Bongo had to be re-scheduled on the evening of the Communication Arts awards. - Kristen Nicole Sayres
5/6/05 | 3460 | XL
DMS Coordinator Chris Blair talks with Senior DMS major Adam Houston during his senior graphic design show in the Art Gallery. Adam was the first DMS major to do a gallery show in addition to his senior seminar project. - Jonathan Blair