11/3/23 | 31026 | XL
Clay Hallmark, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Lexington, Tenn. and TBC president, receives the Alumnus of the Year Award from President Oliver at the Meritorious Service Awards Banquet during Homecoming Week. - Karley Hathcock
2/22/22 | 30374 | XL
Students chat with area recruiters during the Career Fair. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/22/22 | 30375 | XL
Union students chat with area recruiters at the Career Fair in the Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/17/22 | 30362 | XL
Leaders in the Black Student Union lead a responsive reading during the Black Heritage Month Celebration. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/25/21 | 30185 | XL
Dr. David A. Bell, Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor in the Era of North Atlantic Revolutions at Princeton University, gives a lecture entitled "Napoleon Bonaparte and the Origins of Modern Total War" during the Carls-Schwerdfeger History Lecture series. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/21/21 | 30208 | XL
Todd Brady, vice president for university ministries, leads guests in prayer during a Prayer Breakfast in the Grant Center. - Cade Smith
10/21/21 | 30209 | XL
Union friends and family gather to pray during a prayer breakfast in the Grant Center. - Cade Smith
9/25/21 | 30120 | XL
Ken Litscher, dean of student life and director for residence life, introduces Dub Oliver at the President's Brunch. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/25/21 | 30121 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks during the Family Weekend President's Brunch. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/25/21 | 30119 | XL
Students enjoy a brunch with their family members during Family Weekend. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/1/21 | 30092 | XL
Ted Kluck, assistant professor of communication arts, interviews Bob Agee and Dub Oliver about their experiences as university presidents. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/4/21 | 29889 | XL
Student athletes pose at the Top Dawg Awards Banquet. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/4/21 | 29908 | XL
Kristen Pickens introduces award recipients at the Top Dawg Athletic Awards Banquet. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/4/21 | 29891 | XL
Delaney Sain, public relations major, presents awards at the Top Dawg Athletic Awards Banquet. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/29/21 | 29885 | XL
Zane Pratt delivers the inaugural W.D. Powell Missions Lecture. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/18/21 | 29830 | XL
Trudy Cathy White speaks at the Faith in the Marketplace luncheon hosted by the McAfee School of Business. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/18/21 | 29831 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, presents a new building plan during the Faith in the Marketplace luncheon. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/16/21 | 29827 | XL
Al Mohler speaks during the Dockery Lectures Series in the Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/16/21 | 29828 | XL
Al Mohler speaks during the Dockery Lectures Series in the Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/16/21 | 29829 | XL
Dub Oliver (right), president of the university and Southern Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. sign a partnership agreement between the two institutions. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/4/21 | 29806 | XL
Lynna Mockford, special education major, talks with reps from companies during the Education Expo. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/2/21 | 29802 | XL
DiAnne Malone, associate dean for student and faculty services at MCUTS, speaks at the Black Heritage Month Celebration in the Grant Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/22/18 | 28597 | XL
Cold War historian Melvyn Leffler delivers his afternoon lecture during the 22nd annual Carls-Schwerdfeger History Lecture. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/25/18 | 28514 | XL
Lanese Dockery, former first lady of 黑料论坛, speaks at the Union Auxiliary luncheon celebrating 20 years of the organization. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/24/18 | 28287 | XL
Carson Brown, engineering major, explains her research project during the Scholarship Symposium. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/24/18 | 28289 | XL
Paul Mayer, director for health services, checks out one of the engineering projects during the Scholarship Symposium. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/12/18 | 28269 | XL
Cary Summers, president of the Museum of the Bible, speaks at the Faith in the Marketplace luncheon at the conclusion of Business Week. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/9/18 | 28180 | XL
Jeannette Russ, professor of engineering and department chair, talks with a prospective student during Day at the U. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/9/18 | 28181 | XL
Jean Marie Walls, professor of language and department chair, chats with prospective students and their families during Day at the U. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/9/18 | 28182 | XL
James Huggins, university professor of biology, chats with prospective students about the biology department during Day at the U. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/8/18 | 28171 | XL
Chandler Clark, mathematics major, talks with representatives of area businesses during the annual College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/8/18 | 28172 | XL
Students mingle with representatives from area businesses to build connections during the annual College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/8/18 | 28173 | XL
Amanda Leatherwood, physical education and health major, meets reps from area businesses during the College to Career fair hosted by the Vocatio Center, - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/8/18 | 28174 | XL
Jordan Randles, Christian studies major, talks with area business representatives during College to Career. This annual event gives students a chance to make meaningful career connections. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/18 | 28154 | XL
Ray Van Neste, professor of Biblical studies, speaks during a breakout session at the Spring Bible Conference. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/18 | 28152 | XL
George Guthrie, Senior Fellow in the R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, speaks in one of three plenary sessions at the Spring Bible Conference at 黑料论坛. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/18 | 28153 | XL
George Guthrie, Senior Fellow in the R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, speaks in one of three plenary sessions at the Spring Bible Conference at 黑料论坛. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/18 | 28159 | XL
Bob Agee introduces plenary speaker George Guthrie at the annual Bible Conference at 黑料论坛. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/3/18 | 28160 | XL
Pat and George Guthrie accept a beautiful customized cutting board as a gift from the School of Theology and Missions. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/18/17 | 27536 | XL
Olympic diver David Boudia delivers the keynote address for the Union Auxiliary banquet in the Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/18/17 | 27537 | XL
David Boudia, Olympic gold medalist in diving, speaks at the Union Auxiliary banquet. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/18/17 | 27535 | XL
Caleb Scarbrough, senior teaching and learning major, welcomes guests to the Union Auxiliary banquet and introduces keynote speaker David Boudia. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/18/17 | 27538 | XL
Tim Ellsworth (right), associate vice president for university communications, interviews David Boudia for the Q&A portion of the Union Auxiliary banquet. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/11/15 | 25424 | XL
Retiring faculty members are honored at a reception in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/1/15 | 25295 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, speaks to new students and their families at the start of May's Summer Orientation. There will be two more orientation events throughout the summer for different groups of new students. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/28/15 | 25213 | XL
Ana Dragoiescu, doctor of nursing practice student, presents her research at the Scholarship Symposium poster sessions. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/28/15 | 25214 | XL
Chris Boccarossa, junior engineering major, explains his poster at the Scholarship Symposium poster sessions in the Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/22/15 | 25128 | XL
Bob Lupton speaks to a full room at the "Toxic Charity: Compassion, Justice, and the Christian Life" conference sponsored by the Center for Just and Caring Communities and the Department of Social Work. - Kristi McMurry Woody
4/8/15 | 25045 | XL
Jay Watts, vice president of the Life Training Institute, debates with Justin Barnard, associate professor of philosophy, during the University Ministries event "Is Abortion Immoral? A Debate." The debate drew a large crowd in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/26/15 | 25024 | XL
Hope Lewis, senior interdisciplinary studies and teaching and learning double major, talks with a representative at the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - MiKalla Cotton
3/26/15 | 25025 | XL
Meredith Holden, senior English major, shakes hands with a representative during the Vocatio Center's teacher expo in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
3/26/15 | 25026 | XL
A representative talks with Doug May, senior music education major during the Vocatio Center's teacher expo in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
3/26/15 | 25027 | XL
Students discuss job opportunities with representatives during the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
3/26/15 | 25028 | XL
Students enjoy talking to representatives during the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
3/26/15 | 25042 | XL
Students interested in teaching had the opportunity to talk with representatives of area schools during the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/26/15 | 25043 | XL
Students in teaching programs learn about employment opportunities in the area during the teacher expo hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/26/15 | 25044 | XL
Students meet and mingle with representatives from schools in the area during the teacher expo. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/21/15 | 24988 | XL
Guests of the Ryan Center Bible Conference fill the Grant Center to hear Sandy Willson speak. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/21/15 | 24979 | XL
Justin Wainscott, pastor of First Baptist Church in Jackson, chats with keynote speaker Sandy Willson during the Ryan Center Bible Conference. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/21/15 | 24980 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, talks with keynote speaker Sandy Willson during the Ryan Center Bible Conference. - Kristi McMurry Woody
3/21/15 | 24981 | XL
Ray Van Neste, professor of Biblical studies, welcomes guests to the Ryan Center Bible Conference. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/21/15 | 24766 | XL
Russell Richardson, freshman business management major, speaks to prospective students at the Scholars of Excellence Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
2/21/15 | 24764 | XL
Emily Johnson, freshman conservation biology major, speaks to prospective students at the Scholars of Excellence Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
2/21/15 | 24768 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, speaks to prospective students at the Scholars of Excellence Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
2/3/15 | 24738 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, talks with Joshua Guthrie, senior engineering major, at a reception held for students on the President's List for fall 2014. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/3/15 | 24739 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, talks with a group of students who were recognized at a reception for students on the President's List. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/3/15 | 24740 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, mingles with the students who made the President's List in fall of 2014. The students were honored with a reception. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/3/15 | 24741 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, congratulates President's List scholars on their achievement. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/2/15 | 24734 | XL
Brad Rogers, MBA student, speaks with the professionals at the College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/2/15 | 24735 | XL
Blair Baugher, senior nursing major, chats with one of several professionals at the College to Career fair hosted by the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career. - Kristi McMurry Woody
2/2/15 | 24736 | XL
Kenan Keller, senior history major, talks with a WalMart representative during the College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center.
- Kristi McMurry Woody
2/2/15 | 24737 | XL
Dalton Lewis, senior biology major, talks with one of several company representatives at the College to Career event hosted by the Vocatio Center. - Kristi McMurry Woody
10/16/14 | 24320 | XL
Auxiliary member Louise Bentley introduces scholarship holders at the Fall Auxiliary Scholarship Luncheon held in Carl Grant Event Center. - Meg Rushing
10/16/14 | 24329 | XL
Wayne Grudem, professor of theology and biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary, speaks about his new book, The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution, during an event hosted by the R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical studies. - Meg Rushing
10/2/14 | 24202 | XL
Stephen Carls, professor of history and department chair, welcomes Elizabeth Varon to speak at the 18th annual Carls-Schwerdfeger History Lecture Series in the Carl Grant Event Center. - Meg Rushing
10/2/14 | 24203 | XL
Award-winning Civil War author and historian, Elizabeth R. Varon, speaks as part of the 18th annual Carls-Schwerdfeger History Lecture Series. - Meg Rushing
9/27/14 | 24114 | XL
Dub Oliver, president of the university, gives a State of the Union address during the President's Brunch. - Amanda Rohde
9/16/14 | 23964 | XL
Proclamation, a student vocal group, performs several songs under the direction of Chris Mathews, chair of the department of music, for the guests of the West Tennessee Pastors and Wives Appreciation Banquet. - Emily Stookey
9/16/14 | 23965 | XL
Keynote speaker, Dub Oliver, president of the university, welcomes the guests to the West Tennessee Pastors and Wives Appreciation Banquet. - Emily Stookey
9/16/14 | 23966 | XL
Dub Oliver speaks about his new position as Union's 16th President and extends gratitude to the West Tennessee pastors and wives at the banquet held in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Emily Stookey
9/16/14 | 23962 | XL
Todd Brady, vice president of university ministries, welcomes West Tennessee pastors and their wives to the appreciation banquet held in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Emily Stookey
9/16/14 | 23963 | XL
Barnabas Piper, head of Ministry Grid for LifeWay Christian Resources, presents Dub Oliver, president of the university, with a minister's Bible at the West Tennessee Pastors and Wives Appreciation Banquet. - Emily Stookey
5/17/14 | 23451 | XL
Hal Poe, special assistant to the president and faculty member of the year, converses with parents at the reception preceding graduation ceremonies. - MiKalla Cotton
5/10/14 | 23435 | XL
Kathleen Hartsfield, senior public relations major, and Jenaye White, junior public relations major, share a laugh during a banquet for the Honors Community in the Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux
5/10/14 | 23436 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, speaks to students during an honors banquet in the Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux
5/10/14 | 23438 | XL
Taylor Hare, senior English major, presents a gift to Scott Huelin from the seniors of the Honors Community during a banquet for honors students. - Anne Richoux
4/23/14 | 23289 | XL
Panelists Todd Stanfield, Cini Bretzlaff-Holstein, and Tom Adams discuss their thoughts after viewing the documentary "A Place at the Table" during the "What's On Your Plate: Food Insecurity in the United States" social work conference in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux
4/23/14 | 23290 | XL
Donald Jordan, adjunct professor for the school of social work, speaks as a part of the "What's On Your Plate: Food Insecurity in the United States" conference. - Anne Richoux
4/23/14 | 23291 | XL
Amy Crenshaw, founder of ComeUnity Cafe, talks about the beginnings of the non-profit cafe and their work to end food insecurity during the "What's On Your Plate: Food Insecurity in the United States" social work conference. - Anne Richoux
4/22/14 | 23292 | XL
Todd Brady, vice president for university ministries, reads scripture during PsalmFest II in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
4/22/14 | 23293 | XL
Adam Stanford, senior church music major, and Chris Mathews, associate professor of music and department chair, lead singing during PsalmFest II in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
4/22/14 | 23294 | XL
Chris Mathews, associate professor of music and department chair, leads singing at PsalmFest II in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
4/22/14 | 23295 | XL
Members of University Singers, Union's auditioned, mixed choir, sing along at PsalmFest II in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
4/14/14 | 23263 | XL
Quinten Brasher, freshman history major, asks Google Glass for directions during a lecture by Kevin Trowbridge, assistant professor of public relations at Belmont University. - Jacob Moore
3/27/14 | 23244 | XL
Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School and professor of church history, speaks on "The Road to Barmen" in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
2/13/14 | 23044 | XL
Ryan T. Anderson, William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and a Free Society, speaks about true marriage equality in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
2/13/14 | 23045 | XL
Ryan T. Anderson, William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and a Free Society, speaks about true marriage equality during a public lecture in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
2/11/14 | 23033 | XL
David S. Dockery, president of the university, introduces the speakers at the West Tennessee Ministers and Wives Valentine's Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde
2/11/14 | 23034 | XL
The Voices of Proclamation, directed by Christopher Mathews, chair of the Department of Music, perform at the West Tennessee Ministers and Wives Valentine's Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - Amanda Rohde