9/27/19 | 29113 | XL
Scott Huelin, director for the honors community, talks to prospective students during Day at the U. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/4/18 | 28318 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, hands off the mace to newly named Faculty Member of the Year Mark Bolyard, university professor of biology and department chair. - Janelle Vest
5/20/17 | 27646 | XL
Scott Huelin, professor of English and current faculty member of the year, leads the recessional at the conclusion of spring commencement. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/5/17 | 27598 | XL
Carla Sanderson congratulates Scott Huelin, professor of English, on being named Faculty Member of the Year during Awards Day chapel. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/5/17 | 27599 | XL
Web Drake, 2015-2016 Faculty Member of the Year, passes off the mace to the newly announced 2016-2017 recipient Scott Huelin. - Kristi McMurry Woody
5/5/17 | 27600 | XL
Scott Huelin and Wendy Glass stand in a receiving line after being named Faculty and Staff Member of the Year, respectively. - Kristi McMurry Woody
12/6/16 | 27305 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, reads scripture during A Union Christmas. - Kristi McMurry Woody
11/30/16 | 27292 | XL
Dr. Scott Huelin, director of the Honors Program addresses students in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel. - Morgan Morfe
2/21/15 | 24768 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, speaks to prospective students at the Scholars of Excellence Banquet in the Carl Grant Events Center. - MiKalla Cotton
5/10/14 | 23436 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, speaks to students during an honors banquet in the Grant Events Center. - Anne Richoux
5/10/14 | 23437 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, congratulates Tori Brooks, senior English major, as a part of a banquet for honors students. - Anne Richoux
5/10/14 | 23438 | XL
Taylor Hare, senior English major, presents a gift to Scott Huelin from the seniors of the Honors Community during a banquet for honors students. - Anne Richoux
9/5/13 | 22326 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series Death and Dying. - Amanda Rohde
9/5/13 | 22327 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of english and director of the honors community, speaks on "The Ars Moriendi in Literature" at the Town and Gown lecture series. - Amanda Rohde
9/11/12 | 21311 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English and director of the honors community, meets with several students in Barefoots Joe. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/11/12 | 21312 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English and director of the honors community, enjoys chatting with some students in Barefoots Joe. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/11/12 | 21315 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English and director of the honors community, talks with a group of students in Barefoots Joe. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/11/12 | 21316 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English and director of the honors community, walks across campus with students. - Kristi McMurry Woody
9/11/12 | 21317 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English and director of the honors community, stops outside to chat with a couple of students. - Kristi McMurry Woody
8/17/12 | 20650 | XL
Trey Weise, junior philosophy major, talks with Scott Huelin, director of the honors community, while waiting for new students to arrive for move-in day. - Anne Richoux
3/8/12 | 19981 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English, leads a portion of the Lenten Prayer Service, which is held weekly during the season of Lent and features prayer, artwork, and poetry. - Ebbie Davis
3/8/12 | 19982 | XL
Scott Huelin, associate professor of English, leads a portion of the Lenten Prayer Service, a weekly service held during the season of Lent. - Ebbie Davis
11/16/11 | 19169 | XL
Lee Wilson, director of discipleship, introduces Scott Huelin, director of the honors community and associate professor of English, to speak in chapel. - Ebbie Davis
11/16/11 | 19170 | XL
Scott Huelin, director of the honors community and associate professor of English, discusses the importance of keeping the right mind-set as Christians in a culture where materialistic Christmas activities overtake the real meaning behind Christmas. - Ebbie Davis